Taiwan is now facing the economic recession in the overall environment, and every industry needs to generate strategies to meet the challenges from the environment. In the case of the decline in the performance of the retailing market in terms of the department stores, the traditional industry did not immediately improve and upgrade, but there are still some manufacturers that can stand on their own feet. Therefore, the topic of this study is: How can the traditional garment importing industry continue to respond to the changes in the world economy to survive, and re-integrate to start over? This study explores how companies use clustering strategies to enhance competitiveness in the form of case study. Hope that the results would contribute to the future transformation of the traditional industry. There are numerous manufacturers in the traditional industry. This case study is conducted with a German agent for imported garment to achieve the following research objectives: 1. Analyze the current status of the existing German garment importing industry and the changes in the industrial structure and environment in Taiwan to facilitate the control of the subject matter of the study. 2. Exploring the introduction of the clustering strategies of the company in the case study: the problems encountered and how to solve the brand establishment; at the same time, analyze the direction of integrating resources. 3. Understand the process and transformation model of how the garment importing industry establishes a brand by using marketing strategies and methods, as the reference for other industries. This study gathers the clustering strategies and thinking logic of the company in the case study. It finds that manufacturers can become the price determinants because of the low transparency of the garment importing industry and the high barriers to entry in Germany. If new retail methods are applied, new business directions can be created. Therefore, if the focused manufacturer in the cluster of manufacturers in the traditional industry can integrate existing resources, the following methods can be used to enhance their competitiveness: 1. The establishment and promotion of brands (main line and side line). 2. Garment procurement and sales skills combined with multiple channels. 3. Make good use of the actual combating resources of the O2O online and offline integration strategy.