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研究生(外文):Ya-Yun Fang
論文名稱(外文):The Prediction and Analysis of Abnormal Mode of Gas Turbine Generator
指導教授(外文):Chao-Chang Chiu
口試委員(外文):Jui-Chien HsiehNan-Hsing Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Gas TurbineAnomaly DetectionMachine LearningDeep Learning
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It is important for Power Producer to maintain the stability of Gas Turbine operation. If malfunction happen during Gas Turbine operation, the power generation of Steam Turbine will be interrupted and lead the gap of power generation. Besides, the fuel costs of restarting machine, consumption costs of machine materials and other implicit costs which are hard to evaluate, are also the substantial consequences of Gas Turbine malfunction. Thus, Anomaly Detection is important to the stability of Gas Turbine operation. In order to predict the malfunction for engineer to maintain the machine in advance, and further reduce the damage cost cause by GT malfunction. In this study, the historical operation records from a private power plant are modeled using machine learning methods CART, SVM, RF and deep learning method CNN. The experiment results show that CART has the best prediction performance. The average score of F1-measure is 98.94% and the average score of Recall is 99.1%, which is helpful for prediction the occurrence of Anomaly Detection, among which the warning effect is the best at the time point 10 minutes before the anomaly.
目 錄
書名頁 i
論文口試委員審定書 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
誌 謝 v
目 錄 vi
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
第一章、 緒論 1
第二章、 文獻探討 4
2.1 氣渦輪機 4
2.2 失效模式與影響分析 5
2.3 機器學習 7
2.1.1 分類與迴歸樹 7
2.1.2 深度學習 7
2.1.3 隨機森林 8
2.1.4 支持向量機 8
第三章、 研究方法 9
3.1 硏究架構 9
3.2 資料前處理 10
3.2.1 特徵擴充 10
3.2.2 資料平衡模式 11
3.3 CNN流程 12
3.4 預測 14
第四章、 實驗結果 15
4.1 資料描述 15
4.2 預測方式之結果 15
4.2.1 異常當下 16
4.2.2 異常前10分鐘 17
4.2.3 異常前20分鐘 18
4.2.4 異常前30分鐘 19
第五章、 討論 20
第六章、 結論與未來展望 30
參考文獻 31
附錄 34
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