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研究生(外文):Duong Nam Tien
論文名稱:通過整合計劃行為理論(TPB) 和職業自我管理的社會認知 (CSM) 模型,調查求職相關的態度和行為
論文名稱(外文):Investigating job search related attitudes and behaviors from integrating the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and social cognitive model of career self-management (CSM)
指導教授(外文):Yu-Hsuan Chang
口試委員(外文):Wen-Yeh HuangWen-Hao HuangYu-Mei ChiangPeng-Chih Wang
外文關鍵詞:Job search self-efficacyJob search intentionJob search behaviorPerceived job search discriminationCareer explorationResilience
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This study aims to investigate the relationships among job search self-efficacy, job search intention, job search behaviors, perceived job search discrimination, career exploration and resilience by integrating the theory of planned behavior (TBP) and the social cognitive career self-management model (CSM). Variables from the TPB such as perceived control behavior, job search intention, job search behavior were re-conceptualized to fit into the CSM. Furthermore, two contextual factors (perceived job search discrimination and career exploration) and one personality factor were put into the model in order to examine its relationships with the other variables: job search self-efficacy, job search intention and behavior. Based on a sample of 301 Southeast Asian students who are currently studying in Taiwan, I found that job search self-efficacy greatly predicted job search intention and job search behaviors. Simultaneously, job search intention served as a partial mediator in the relationship between job search self-efficacy and job search behaviors. Moreover, the effects of the contextual factors on job search behavior are direct and indirect through job search intention. The results provide practical information on the generalizability of the future study in order to ensure the statistical significance and can draw a whole picture of job search among the population. The results also provide implications about improving self-efficacy and intention among graduating job seekers and the application of the TPB from the CSM perspective during JS process.
Table of Contents
Title Page i
Letter of Approval ii
Abstract in Chinese iii
Abstract in English iv
Acknowledgements vi
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1. Shifts in Global Talents 1
1.2. General Demographics of International College Students in Taiwan 3
1.4. Motives that drives international students’ JS after graduation 7
1.5. Statement of the problem 8
1.6. Trends of research on international students 9
1.7. The significance of this study 12
1.8. Purpose of the study 13
1.9. Definition of the constructs in this study 13
Chapter 2 Literature review 16
2.2. Social cognitive model of career self-management (CSM) 21
2.3. Integration of the TPB and CSM in the area of JS 25
2.4. Research on self-efficacy among international students 28
2.5. Job search self-efficacy 29
2.6. Self-efficacy, intentions, behaviors applied to JS 31
2.7. Career exploration and JS self-efficacy 33
2.8. Perceived discrimination, Self-efficacy, Intention and Behaviors in JS 35
2.9. Resilience, Self-Efficacy and Behaviors in JS 37
Chapter 3 Methodology 40
3.1. Participants and Procedure 40
3.2. Measures 41
3.3. Analytical Method 43
Chapter 4 Results 45
4.1. Sample Structure Description 45
4.2. Reliability analysis 46
4.5. Test of Hypotheses 52
4.7. Bootstrapping analyses 53
Chapter 5 Discussions and Implications 55
5.1. Summary of Model Testing Findings 55
5.2. Theoretical Implications 57
5.3. Managerial Implications 58
5.4. Limitations and Future Research 62
Appendix A: Personal information 64
Appendix B: Career exploration 65
Appendix C: Job search self-efficacy 67
Appendix D: Job search intentions 68
Appendix E: Job search behaviors 69
Appendix F: Perceived job search discrimination 70
Appendix H: Resilience 71
References 72
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