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Author (Eng.):Yu-Wen Chin
Title (Eng.):The Influence of Executive Overconfidence on Financial Reporting Quality:CPA\'s Characteristics as Moderators
Advisor:張謙恆張謙恆 author reflink
advisor (eng):Chien-Heng Chang
Oral Defense Committee:粘凱婷曾家璿
Oral Defense Committee (eng):Kai-Ting NienChia-Hsuan Tseng
oral defense date:2019-05-29
Narrow Field:商業及管理學門
Detailed Field:一般商業學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2019
Graduated Academic Year:107
number of pages:54
keyword (chi):高階經理人過度自信財務報表品質產業專精會計師會計師任期
keyword (eng):executive overconfidencefinancial reporting qualityindustry specialistauditor tenure
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This study examines the impact of executive overconfidence on financial reporting quality and further employs the CPA’s characteristics, including industry specialist and auditor tenure, as moderators. Discretionary accruals, real earning management and the financial restatement are adopted as measurements to proxy the financial reporting quality. The empirical results show that the overconfidence of CEO increases the discretionary accruals, but decreases after hiring industry specialist and longer auditor tenure. That is, this study provides the evidence that the CPA’s characteristics moderate the negative relationship between CEO’s overconfidence and financial reporting quality. However, in real earning management and restatement models, the evidences are not strong to support the hypotheses. It is probability because the real earning management and restatement are different in management behaviors from discretionary accruals.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌 謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究架構與流程 2
第二章 文獻探討與假說發展 4
第一節 高階經理人風格 4
第二節 自戀與過度自信 5
第三節 過度自信與財務報表錯誤 7
第四節 財務報表品質 7
第五節 產業專精會計師 8
第六節 會計師任期 9
第七節 假說發展 10
第三章 研究方法 11
第一節 應變數之衡量 11
第二節 自變數之衡量 13
第三節 實證模型 14
第四章 實證結果 18
第一節 樣本選取與資料來源 18
第二節 單變量分析 29
第三節 多元迴歸分析 37
第四節 敏感性分析 43
第五節 額外測試分析 44
第五章 結論與建議 48
參考文獻 50
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