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論文名稱(外文):The Aerothermodynamics Simulation of VLEO Satellite
指導教授(外文):LO, MING-CHUNG
外文關鍵詞:VLEO satelliteDSMCHypersonic rarefied flowAerothermodynamics simulation
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近年來極低軌道衛星(VLEO Satellites)因其應用潛力,而成為太空發展重點,當中應用較為廣泛的便是立方衛星(CubeSat),設計上其個別單位(U)體積、重量和一公升的水相同(10×10×10cm3),並具有成本低廉,可單次進行多顆部署,與星群運作等優點;但受限於尺寸與軌道高度,其使用壽限較傳統衛星短少,故研究其影響因子,便是十分重要的工作。
The application of very-low earth orbit (VLEO) satellite has become a popular issue in space development lately. And the CubeSat is one of its kind, that has been widely used. With the equivalent scale in size and weight per unit as 1-liter water, it needs less budget than conventional satellites do. Also, this characteristic makes it could be multiple deployed, and work in constellation. On the other hand, its life time is shorter than those conventional satellites do. Thus the aerothermodynamics researches become an important issue in this topic.
In this study we use a parallel DSMC code called PDSC++. Compare to traditional DSMC, it could complete simulation in higher efficiency with parallelizing computing techniques. Through benchmarks with other codes, results of PDSC++ show high fidelity with them, thus founded its credibility.
Our researches tempt to simulate the hypersonic rarefied flow of VLEO CubeSat. Through those results, we found out that as angle of attack changed, posture changed either, which would influence flow properties distribution. And its orbit altitude is disproportionate to the flow particle density, which influences the value of stress. Also, the size configuration is proportional to the stress. At last, as solar panels deployed, cubesat got more surfaces to react with flow particles, thus stress may increase as flow interacting with cubesat. With those results, it would be helpful in future cubesat mission deign.

誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
符號說明 xii
1. 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究方法分析 3
1.3 文獻回顧 6
1.4 研究目的 13
2.分子動力學 14
2.1 基本原理 14
2.2 平均自由徑 14
2.3 速度分布函數 15
2.4 波茲曼方程式 18
2.5 麥斯威爾分布 22
2.6 分子間碰撞原理 24
2.7 分子碰撞模式 26
3. 直接模擬蒙地卡羅法 31
3.1 基本原理 31
3.2 數值模擬流程 32
3.3 模擬條件設定 35
3.3.1 狀態設定 35
3.3.2 邊界設定 36 流動邊界 36 固體邊界 38
3.4 分子碰撞模擬 43
3.4.1 碰撞對估算 43
3.4.2 碰撞對選擇 44
3.4.3 碰撞結果 45
3.5 研究方法 46
3.5.1 平行化蒙地卡羅法(PDSC++) 46
3.5.2 程式驗證 48
3.5.3 立方衛星模擬驗證 50 模擬設定 51 結果比較 52
4. 立方衛星流場模擬 55
4.1 研究模型建置 55
4.2 模擬條件設定 58
4.3 攻角對流場之效應探討 60
4.4 軌道高度對流場之效應探討 68
4.5 尺寸構型對流場之效應探討 79
4.5.1 長度影響效益 80
4.5.2 寬度影響效益 81
4.6 太陽能板對流場之效應探討 96
5. 結論 118
5.1 總結 118
5.2 未來研究與應用方向 119
參考文獻 120
自傳 127
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