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論文名稱(外文):The Study of Typical Meteorological Year on Military Building Energy Analysis
外文關鍵詞:Typical Meteorological Year
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我國現行使用外界氣候條件,係基於 1998-2012 年間長期氣候資料所建立之平均氣象年 TMY3 (何 明 錦 and 黃國倉 2013)。惟因該資料僅有台北、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄、花蓮及台東等8地資料,又經檢視國軍許多營區係位屬偏鄉、高山及外離島,故現行資料是無法滿足或取代這些營區工址建築能源解析所需氣象資訊。
鑒此,本研究使用中央氣象局2004年至2015年之全台30處氣象觀測站的原始氣象資料,並依照美國再生能源實驗室(NREL)所制訂的篩選程序(Sandia Method),建置全台典型氣象年建築資料庫,除可提供國軍各單位規劃設計使用外,亦可提供民間機關、建築師等,用於環境評估調查、建築方位配置規劃、耗能計算、及施工工法、材料選擇之參考。

The advent of building engineering physics and science concepts has enabled construction to develop high performance buildings that are both comfortable and functional, and has significantly minimized the environmental impacts of their construction and operation. A structure’s overall integrity is influenced by various factors, the most critical being the environmental climate conditions. In order for building performance simulations to achieve precise real-life environments, it is imperative that accurate and current meteorological data are used.
In Taiwan, most studies used external climatic conditions based on the average meteorological data compiled by the long-term climate resources of 1998 till 2012 TMY3 (He Mingjin and Huang Guocang 2013). Nonetheless, the exhibited data are obtained from focal and prominent locations of Taichung, Hsinchu, Taichung, Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Hualian, and Taitung; crucially deficient for rural areas, mountainous regions and outer islands where a significant number of military personnel are stationed.
This study developed a comprehensive database of Taiwan’s typical meteorological year by consolidating original data of 30 meteorological observatories of the Central Meteorological Administration from the period of 2004 to 2015. Primary technique utilized is the Sandia Method screening procedure developed by the US Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). This database can then be used as a complete source reference for military construction activities, as well for civil agencies, architects, environmental assessment surveys, building orientation configuration planning, energy consumption calculations, and construction methods and materials selection.

致謝 i
摘要 ii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
1.緒論 1
1.1.研究背景 1
1.2.研究動機與目的 3
1.3.研究範圍 4
2.文獻回顧 5
2.1.太陽系天體運動 7
2.1.1.赤緯角 9
2.1.2.時角 9
2.1.3.太陽高度角 10
2.1.4.太陽方位角 10
2.1.5.太陽常數 12
2.2.太陽輻射(日射量直散分離) 13
2.3.典型氣象年(TMY) 26
2.3.1.簡介 26
2.3.2.國內文獻 26
2.3.3.選取方法 27
3.研究方法 33
3.1.氣象資料庫整理及文獻蒐集分析 33
3.2.研究流程 35
4.研究成果 36
4.1.國軍建築氣象資料庫建置 36
4.2.典型氣象年建置與比較分析 37
4.2.1.氣象年候選範圍 37
4.2.2.各候選月份 39
4.2.3.中選年月檢核 44
4.2.4.國內文獻比較分析 60
5.結論與建議 73
5.1.結論 73
5.2.建議 74
參考文獻 75
自傳 77

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