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研究生(外文):Pei Shan Kung
論文名稱(外文):Practice Effects on Cognitive Functions in Patients with Carotid Artery Stenosis
指導教授(外文):M. Y. Ho
外文關鍵詞:Internal Carotid artery stenosiscarotid artery stentingcognitive functionlong-term follow uppractice effectreliable change index
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的治療分配到不同組:選擇進行頸動脈支架手術(CAS,n = 101)及選
擇藥物治療組(MED,n = 76)。此外招募四十位年紀相仿的志願者為
Background: Carotid artery stenting (CAS) has been widely used to treat patients with internal carotid artery stenosis (ICAS), but the effects of CAS on cognition remains elusive. In addition, few studies have addressed the issues of practice effect arising from repeated testing in cognitive functions of patients with ICAS. The aims of the study were to investigate the long-term effects of CAS on cognitive changes, in particular the effects of learning on the cognitive trajectories during post CAS follow up will be emphasized.
Methods: One hundred and seventy-seven patients with carotid artery
stenosis participated in the study. They were assigned to different groups according to the treatment received: carotid stenting group (CAS, n = 101) and medical treatment group (MED, n = 76). In addition, forty age-matched volunteers were recruited as the control group. The performance of all participants on neuropsychological tests obtained at the pretreatment and post-treatment (6-12 months) phase were analyzed by two-factor ANOVA with repeated measure. The reliable change index (RCI) was derive based on the data of the control group obtained from two phases of assessment to understand whether the changes in test scores between two phases in patient groups were statistically significant.
Results: There was no significant difference in performance between the two patient groups on most tests, but the raw scores of the control group were significantly higher than those of the patient groups at both phases. The retest scores of the three groups showed improvement in most tests, but there was no significant difference in the extent of the improvement. The RCIs of two patient groups were not significantly different in any test, and there were no significant differences between the two groups in the number of people with significant declines or improvement in any cognitive domain.
Conclusion: Cognitive impairments were associated with ICAS.
However, the effects of CAS on improvement in cognitive performance
did not differ from the effects of medications. The improvement in
cognitive test scores might be mostly due to the practice effect.
Table of Contents
Recommendation Letter from the Thesis Advisor………………………
Thesis/Dissertation Oral Defense Committee Certification…………….
English Abstract………………………………………………………. vi
Table of Contests………………………………………………………viii
List of Figures…………………………………………………………..x
List of Tables…………………………………………………………...xi
Chapter 1. Introduction…………..………………………………..........1
1.1 Carotid Artery Stenosis…………………………………..........3
1.2 Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis and Cognitive Functions……5
1.3 Interventions of Carotid Artery Stenosis………………………8
1.4 Issues in Serial Assessment…………………………………...11
1.5 The Aims of Present Study……………………………………15
Chapter 2. Method…...………………………………………………...17
2.1 Participants………………………………….………..............17
2.2 Cerebrovascular Investigations ……………...........................19
2.3 Treatment of Carotid Artery Stenosis………………………..20
2.4 Neuropsychological Assessment……………...……………...21
2.5 Procedures………………………………….………………...26
2.6 Data analysis………………………………….………………27
Chapter 3. Results...……………………………………………………30
3.1 Baseline Data…………………………...…………………….30
3.2 Neuropsychological Performance.…………………................34
3.3 Changes of Neuropsychological Performance…......................41
3.4 Reliable Change Index………………………..………………45
Chapter 4. Discussions...………………………………………….........53
4.1 Clinical Conditions……………………………………………53
4.2 Cognition in Patients with Carotid Artery Stenosis…………..54
4.3 Effects of CAS on Cognitive Changes………………………..56
4.4 Factors Related to Learning Effect……………………………57
4.5 Understanding the Effects of CAS with RCIs…………………59
4.6 The Limitation of This Study………………………………….61
Chapter 5. Conclusions...………………………………………….........62

List of Figures
Figure 1. Flow diagram of patient selection…………………….……..18
Figure 2. Distributions of composite reliable change indexes for memory
and dexterity functions…………………………………………………51
Figure 3. Distributions of composite reliable change indexes for
executive functions…………………………………………………….52

List of Tables
Table 1. Demographic and Medical Data of All Participant Groups at
Table 2. The Mean (SD) Raw Scores of the Neuropsychological Tests at
Baseline and Follow-up Phases……………………………………….. 35
Table 3. Mean (SD) Differences of Neuropsychological Testing Scores
across Baseline and Follow-up Phases……………………….…………42
Table 4. Correlation Coefficients of Stroke-related Risk Factors between
Changes of Neuropsychological Test Scores………………...................44
Table 5. Correlation Coefficients of Test Scores for Volunteers between
Baseline and Follow-up Phases….……………………………………..48
Table 6. The Mean (SD) Reliable Change Indexes in Clinical
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