This study uses the financial data of the case of credit cooperative from 2009-2018 and the amount of average household saving, number of employ population, number of age above 65 population, average of each household disposal income and average current revenue of household as independent variables. The results show that interest expenditures of deposits and balance of money transfer have increased yearly, and interest revenues of discount and loans have decreased for 4 years. The reasons of these facts are because purchasing houses decreased that affects the business of house loan of the credit cooperative. The analysis of business performance of capability shows that balance of loan is half of balance of deposit, this means that liquidity is sufficient and profitability maybe low. However, its profitability is still steady. The study using local economic indicators to analyze the effects of those indicators on the business performance of the case of credit performance, the results show that there are significantly positive relationships exited for number of employ population and age above 65 population with discounts and loans, deposits and money transfer, interest revenues, and current net profit and rate of net profit. The over discharge ratio has negative relationship with number of employ population and positive relationship with age above 65 population. This means that low unemployment rate may lower expenditure of over discharge and also states that the most of age above 65 population are retired people, as their income decreases that may leads to increase over discharge interest expenditures. Finally, as average disposal income of household increases that lead to increase the amounts of deposits and money transfer.