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論文名稱:音樂學習APP遊戲介面視覺設計 - 以國小中年級生為例
論文名稱(外文):Visual Design of Game Interface in Music Learning Apps: A Case Study of Middle-grade Students in Elementary Schools
外文關鍵詞:Music learningApp gamesInterface vision
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As a result of the evolution of mobile and digital network technology, digital education has turned out to be a mainstream trend in modern education. However, there are few discussions about music learning Apps used by middle-grade students in elementary schools. Hence, this study aims to: (1) summarize and organize the elements and trends of the current game interface design of music learning Apps for middle-grade students in elementary schools; (2) explore the functional framework and characteristics of the Apps’ game interface design; (3) identify the principles of the Apps’ game interface design that meet the needs of middle-grade students in elementary schools and align with the human factor design of App button size suitable for middle-grade students in elementary schools; these design principles are expected to provide a reference for designers in the industry; and (4) stimulate the interest of middle-grade students in elementary schools in music courses, thereby bringing benefits to teachers and students. The research results showed that (1) the game interface design elements of music learning Apps on the market for middle-grade students in elementary schools include cute icons, colorful interface, piano key design in the operating area, and tablet PC as the dominated operation device; (2) the functional framework of such Apps on the market for middle-grade students in elementary schools contains homepage, main menu, game correspondence, click position, and completion feedback. Such games are characterized by versatile “correspondence ways”, the most diverse aspect in design; (3) the interface design principles of such Apps that meet the needs of middle-grade students in elementary schools include alignment of game difficulty with game content, diversified game functions, limitation of operating errors, consistency between and simplicity of operation and prompts, predictive images and text as guidance, and Applying the design of “texts wrApped by oval images” to button shape on the screen. The human factors affecting the design of button size in the Apps include devices recommended for game playing like iPad series, electronic auxiliary equipment for which a special size may be designed, the best interface display ratio of the correspondence mode area to the operation area being 1:1, and the size of piano keys being either one 8-degree or two 8-degrees; and (4) digital learning is acceptable. If the effect of assisting teaching is needed, teachers are advised to combine the curriculum scheduled by the Ministry of Education with digital games, for example, introducing music textbooks into digital games. These findings are expected to provide a reference in the practical game interface design for music learning App designers for middle-grade students in elementary schools.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
謝誌 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
1. 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3研究目的 2
1.4研究架構 2
1.5研究範圍與限制 3
2. 文獻探討 5
2.1國小中年級生學習特性 5
2.1.1皮亞傑兒童認知發展 5
2.1.2國小中年級生學習 10
2.2數位遊戲學習 16
2.2.1數位學習定義與發展 17
2.2.2數位學習傳遞與用途 19
2.3兒童音樂學習 23
2.3.1兒童音樂教育 23
2.3.2數位音樂遊戲 26
2.4人機介面設計 29
2.4.1行動裝置操作介面 29
2.4.2人機介面與兒童遊戲 36
3. 研究方法 40
3.1第一階段:問卷調查 40
3.1.1受測者 40
3.1.2研究樣本 41
3.1.3研究設備 46
3.1.4研究程序 46
3.1.5研究結果 47
3.1.6小結 52
3.2第一階段:專家與家長訪談 52
3.2.1專家訪談 52
3.2.2家長訪談 59
3.2.3小結 63
3.3第二階段:介面分析 65
3.3.1研究樣本 65
3.3.2研究設備 65
3.3.3研究程序 65
3.3.4研究結果 66
3.3.5小結 73
3.4第三階段:使用者測試 74
3.4.1受測者 74
3.4.2研究樣本 75
3.4.3研究設備 78
3.4.4研究程序 78
3.4.5研究結果 78
3.4.6小結 84
3.5第四階段:功能項目調查 85
3.5.1受測者 85
3.5.2研究樣本 85
3.5.3研究程序 85
3.5.4研究結果 86
3.5.5小結 88
3.6第五階段:介面型式調查 88
3.6.1受測者 88
3.6.2研究樣本 89
3.6.3研究設備 92
3.6.4研究程序 92
3.6.5研究結果 93
3.6.6小結 96
3.7第六階段:原型設計與測試 97
3.7.1原型設計 97
3.7.2原型測試 108
4. 研究結果 110
5. 結論與建議 114
5.1研究結論 114
5.2未來研究建議 117
6. 參考文獻 119
6.1中文部分 119
6.2英文部分 123
附錄一 129
附錄二 136
附錄三 137
附錄四 143
附錄五 144
附錄六 146
附錄七 148
附錄八 150
附錄九 152
附錄十 160
附錄十一 162
附錄十二 164

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