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論文名稱(外文):Research on the Construction Method and Practical Erection Application Process of Advanced Metering Infrastructure
外文關鍵詞:Innovative industryGreen powerSmart gridAMI(Advanced Metering Infrastructure)
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智慧電表基礎建設(Advanced Metering Infrastructure,AMI)支援電業與用戶端電力附載管理,可提升供電品質及降低用電量,係建構未來智慧電網主要基礎建設,台灣亦已納入「國家節能減碳總計畫」下35項標竿型計畫之一。早期電力公司依據電表計量向用戶收取電費費用,然而過往抄取電表的計量值均以曠日廢時的人工作業。在這近十年通訊技術蓬勃發展,採用通訊的抄表方式逐漸成熟,稱為自動讀表(AMR, Automatic Meter Reading)技術,主要目的是取代人力抄表。隨著地球能源的慢慢耗竭,節約能源的意識日趨重要,單一計量功能的電表難以符合現代化需求,期望電表應用於能源管理層面的多功能需求,造就新一代電表誕生「智慧電表」。藉由結合更先進的通訊與控制技術,展現雙向通訊能力,不僅電表端可即時回傳用電資料,更可透過遠端下達命令讓電表執行斷電復電控制的功能,以減少人力派工作業的時間與費用。同時可提供居家用電資訊顯示,讓消費者得知即時的電價資訊和用電狀況,有助於管理用電,達成節約能源的目的。智慧型電表的佈建,涵蓋通訊技術與家庭自動化等多領域的建設,故稱為智慧電表基礎建設(AMI, Advanced Metering Infrastructure)。

The Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) supports the power industry and user-side power load management, which can improve the quality of power supply and reduce power consumption. It is the main infrastructure for the construction of smart grids in the future. One of the 35 benchmarking projects under the Project. In the early days, electric power companies charged users for electricity charges based on meter measurement, but in the past, the metered values of meter reading were manual operations when they were abandoned. In the past ten years, communication technology has developed vigorously, and the meter reading method using communication has gradually matured. It is called Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) technology. The main purpose is to replace manual meter reading. As the earth ’s energy is gradually depleted, the awareness of energy conservation is becoming increasingly important. It is difficult for single-metering meters to meet modern needs. It is expected that the meters will be used in energy management to meet the multi-functional requirements. By combining more advanced communication and control technologies to demonstrate two-way communication capabilities, not only can the meter end send back power consumption data in real time, but it can also issue commands to remotely enable the meter to perform power cut and resume control functions, thereby reducing manpower tasks. Time and cost. At the same time, it can provide household electricity information display to let consumers know the real-time electricity price information and power consumption status, which helps to manage electricity consumption and achieve the purpose of saving energy. The deployment of smart meters covers the construction of communication technology, home automation and other fields, so it is called AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure).
The smart grid has become the development trend of the global power industry, and communication technology is the foundation of the success of the smart grid. At present, Taipower has mostly deployed fiber-optic backbone networks (NG-SDH) at the substations at various levels to provide point-to-point (or point-to-multipoint) broadband communication solutions for related units, and to establish a variety of applications for smart power transmission systems. This research focuses on the use of smart meter erection projects and applications in homes, and hopes to provide construction methods and meter erection promotion.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 前言 8
1.1 研究背景 8
1.2研究動機 11
1.3研究目的 11
1.4研究流程 13
第二章 文獻探討 14
2.1技術演進文獻探討 14
2.1.1技術進步曲線 14
2.1.2技術成熟度 14
2.1.3技術生命週期 15
2.2創新產業與產業政策文獻探討 19
2.2.1創新產業 19
2.2.2創新政策的基本理論 20
2.2.3產業政策工具 21
第三章 研究方法 25
3.1系統架構 25
3.2系統設計流程 26
3.3系統功能規範 28
第四章 系統實作 31
4.1系統實作環境 31
4.2系統實作結果 32
4.3系統分析 36
4.4通訊錯誤處理 38
4.4.1 Data Link Layer 錯誤處理 38
4.4.2. Application layer 錯誤處理 39
第五章 結論 41
5.1結論 41
5.2未來政策展望 41
5.3國家電力展望 41
第六章 參考文獻 43

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