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研究生(外文):Hsin-Hui Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Electroacupuncture on Delayed Gastric Emptying in Medical Intensive Care Unit Patients
指導教授(外文):Yung-Hsiang Chen
外文關鍵詞:Electro-acupunctureAcupunctureIntensive Care UnitGastroparesis
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以前瞻性、平行對照研究設計,於中部某醫學中心成人內科加護病房,收治對象為20歲以上成年人、有呼吸器使用、腸胃功能不良合併胃輕癱的內科重症加護單位病患。排除對象為:病人年齡小於20歲、或大於90歲者,近期重大開腹手術,全胃切除,腹內腫瘤、癌症,腸阻塞,腸缺血,急性胰臟炎,嚴重休克(使用2種以上升壓劑),對常見腸胃蠕動劑(如:Metoclopramide、Mosapride或Erythromycin)過敏,或正在使用與腸胃蠕動劑有拮抗作用藥物者,具有心律不整等心臟病或裝有心臟節律器、腦深層電刺激器或其他電子植入物者,孕婦、癲癇患者,服用抗凝血劑者。將納入病患隨機分配為實驗組(使用臨床腸胃蠕動劑+電針)與對照組(使用臨床腸胃蠕動劑)。實驗組除臨床使用腸胃蠕動劑外,另接受電針治療(取穴: 內關、三陽絡、合谷、足三里、上巨虛、下巨虛、太衝及太白﹚;接電針之穴位為「內關-三陽絡」及「足三里-太白」,電針頻率為2 Hz,強度<9.8 mA,治療每次15分鐘,1週6次。(1)主要療效指標:比較兩組在治療期間平均胃殘餘容積,以及全日腸道營養熱量攝取與全日目標熱量百分比;(2)次要療效指標:比較兩組發生吸入性肺炎比率、呼吸器使用天數、加護病房住院天數、出加護病房結果。
Gastrointestinal dysfunction is a common clinical problem in intensive care units (ICU). Past studies have shown more than half patients in intensive care unit had the symptoms of vomiting, delayed gastric emptying, or poor digestion. These citations could increase infection risk, prolong mechanical ventilation and hospital stay time, even increase hospital mortality. Prokinetic agents are prescribed for gastrointestinal dysmotility in critical ill patients. Previous studies showed that there are kinds of side effect (ex: cardiovascular event, arrhythmia, extrapyramidal syndrome) of the commonly used Prokinetic drugs in clinic. Thus, these drugs have the restrictions on the use of elderly patients. In addition, these pharmaceutical therapy have limited help in stimulating gastrointestinal motility. To break through the limitation in clinic, we try to use traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture treatment to improve gastrointestinal activity in medical critical ill patients.
This study is a prospective, parallel controlled study design in an adult medical intensive care unit in middle Taiwan. The study cases were collected from adults over 20 years old patients in medical intensive care units with mechanical ventilation assessment and gastrointestinal dysfunction or gastroparesis. Excluded objects: (1) Patients younger than 20 years old or older than 90 years old (2) History of major abdominal surgery, total gastrectomy.(3) intra-abdominal tumors, cancer (4) Intestinal blockage. (5) Ischemia bowel disease. (6)Acute pancreatitis. (7) The patient who are allergic to common gastrointestinal motility agents (such as: Metoclopramide, Mosapride, or Erythromycin) (8) The patient who have the contraindication to gastrointestinal motility agents. (9) Those patients with electrical stimulators implantation. (10) Pregnant women. (11) Patients with epilepsy. (12) Patents who are taking anticoagulants therapy.
The included patients were randomly to two groups. The study group patients received gastrointestinal motility agent plus electro-acupuncture therapy. The control group patients received the conventional gastrointestinal motility pharmaceutical therapy. The acupoint selection of Electroacupuncture treatment are: PC-6 (Neiguan), TE-8 (Sanyangluo), LI-4 (Hegu), ST-36 (Zusanli), ST-37 (Shangjuxu), ST-39 (Xiajuxu), LR-3 (Taichong) and SP-3 (Taibai). The pair acupoints for electroacupuncture are “Neiguan–Sanyangluo” and “Zusanli–Taibai”. The electro-acupuncture protocol is frequency 2 Hz, intensity <9.8 mA, for 15 minutes. The primary outcomes were the gastric residual volume, daily enteral nutrition (EN) feeding amount, and percentage of daily target Calorie intake of EN. The secondary outcome were the incidence of aspiration pneumonia, the ventilator depending days, the length of ICU stay, and the result of ICU discharge.
From March, 2018 to March, 2019 in Institutional Review Board approval period, we totally enrolled 10 patients in the study group and 3 patients in the control group. There were 7 males and 3 females in the study group. The gastric residual volume in study group reduced 361.5ml on average (p<0.001) after electroacupuncture intervention. The increasing of daily EN feeding amount and calorie were also significantly increasing in the study group. But there was only 50% (5/10) study group patients achieved the 80% daily calorie target.
The World Health Organization has confirmed the efficacy of acupuncture in gastrointestinal system diseases many years ago. The electroacupuncture has been used in clinic for decades. Our study try to use electroacupuncture therapy in medical critically ill field. Although this study could not achieve the higher quality evidence research due to case number and time constraints. But the preliminary results showed that the integration of the Transitional Chinese and Western medical treatment with acupuncture intervention and pharmaceutical therapy could improve the gastric emptying and EN intake in medical critical ill patients. We look forward to further research with similar model.
第一章 前言 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 1
第二章 文獻探討 2
第一節 重症加護病患的腸道活動與營養支持 2
第二節 中醫在重症加護病患腸道問題的角色 5
第三章 材料與方法 6
第一節 研究設計 6
第二節 研究流程 7
第三節 統計與分析 11
第四章 結果 12
第一節 收案結果與受試者基本資料 12
第二節 電針介入後對內科重症病患胃殘餘容積的改變 14
第三節 電針介入後對腸道營養攝食的改變 16
第五章 討論 19
第六章 結論 22
參考文獻 23
附錄 26
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