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論文名稱(外文):A Comparative Study on Drug Law and Drug Control Policy between Thailand and Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:drug lawdrug control policycomparative drug law and drug control policyThailandTaiwan
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Drug problem is one of the most serious problems in every country. Thailand and Taiwan also confront the continuously and seriously drug problem in both countries. Therefore, both governments put a large budget to solve the issue as well. Drug law and drug control policy are the main implement that control and handle effort in solving the drug problem. The policies have been adopted in order to cope with the drug situation and drug trend in each country.
This study is a documentary research, reviewing and comparing drug law and drug control policy of Thailand and Taiwan. It was found that Taiwan implemented a strict punishment in the case of drug offences, with preventive measures to protect harmful health effects. For Thailand, the state established a major policy against drug problem, focus on drug producing from the neighboring. Thus, the Thai’s policy emphazised on preventing drug smuggling into the country and incorporating with neighbouring countries. In addition, Taiwan emphasise on integrating information and database from other drug control authorities in order to analysis drug networks, and track illegal drug trafficking and sources. In different a strict punishment and implemented policy against drug problem due to domestic drug situation and background of each country.

Abstract I
Table of content III
List of figures V
List of Tables VI
List of Abbreviation VII
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background and Significance of the Study 1
1.2 Research Questions 9
1.3 Research Objectives 10
1.4 Limitation of research 10
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 World Drug Situation 12
2.2 Regional Situation: The Golden Triangle 18
2.3 Drug Situation in Thailand 23
2.4 Drug Situation in Taiwan and its relation with Thailand 29
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Literature Review 39
3.2 Data collection and analysis 39
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussion
4.1 Legal Mechanism 42
4.1.1 Drug Law in Thailand 43
4.1.2 Drug Law in Taiwan 66
4.1.3 Comparison of drug offences between Thailand and Taiwan 73
4.2 Drug Control Policy Mechanism 92
4.2.1 Drug Control Policy in Thailand 92
4.2.2 Drug Control Policy in Taiwan 97
4.2.3 Comparison of drug control policy between Thailand and Taiwan 109
4.3 Research Findings 114
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Suggestions
5.1 Conclusion 117
5.1.1. Background of Drug Problem 117
5.1.2. General Drug Situation 117
5.1.3. Legal Mechanism 118
5.1.4. Drug Control Policy Mechanism 120
5.2 Suggestions and Recommendations 121
5.2.1. Thailand Approach 121
5.2.2. Taiwan Approach 122
Reference 124
Appendix Act on Measures for the Suppression of Offenders in an
Offence Relating to Narcotics B.E.2534(1991) 130
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