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論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Clustering and Ecological Factors of Burglary in Taipei City
外文關鍵詞:scan statisticenvironmental criminologyresidential burglarydata mining
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With the integration of the theory of criminal geography and environmental criminology, using geographic information systems to make crime maps has become increasingly popular and mature, but how to analyze time and space at the same time is a difficult problem. For this reason, this study used scan statistics and geographic information system to analyze the spatial, temporal and Spatiotemporal distribution of burglary in Taipei city from 2015 to 2017.The results show that, in terms of spatial analysis, whether it is using round or elliptical window scanning the hot spots of burglary are Zhongshan District, Wanhua District, Datong District and Shilin District, and the scanning accuracy of the elliptical window is slightly better than the circular window .In the time cluster, the time series scanning shows that the year-end and New Year holidays were hot time of burglary. And in terms of space-time scanning, this study was analyzed using both "retrospective" and "prospective" scans; In the "retrospective" scanning, the spatial distribution of burglary hotspots was still concentrated in the Zhongshan district, Wanhua District and Shilin District. However, the characteristics of clustering can be determined more clearly by increasing the information of time. "Spatial variation in the time trend" and " prospective " scanning found that in cold spots of burglary, some areas such as Nangang District, Neihu District have abnormal clustering phenomenon, which should be paid special attention to, so as to achieve the effect of "nip in the bud ".
After understanding the distribution characteristics of crime in time and space, this study selects various socioeconomic variables for ecological analysis based on criminology theory and relevant literature, so as to clarify the formation factors of crime clustering. Firstly, cluster covariant analysis was used to confirm the correlation between the selected variables and the clustering in this study. Secondly, data mining and logistic regression were used to screen out a total of 8 important ecological variations of crime cluster. The results show that the characteristics of burglary coldpots in Taipei city are in hight-income areas. The vacancy rate and the proportion of individual households are relatively high, resulting in reduced surveillance and easy to become burglary hotspots. There are more police forces in crime hotspots, while street lamps and monitors have no obvious effect on burglary prevention.
To sum up the above research results, this study suggests that special police planning should be developed for different crime hotspots, then prospective scan statistics should be used to construct a burglary timely monitoring and early warning system, and based on the maximum probability of crime and victim risk data to allocate police resources to enhance the effectiveness of crime prevention.

謝誌 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 5
第三節 研究目的 8
第四節 名詞釋義 9
第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 犯罪活動的時空特性 13
第二節 犯罪學相關理論 21
第三節 犯罪學理論與區位分析 35
第四節 資料探勘與犯罪分析 44
第五節 實證研究探討 49
第六節 綜合評析 57
第三章 研究設計 65
第一節 研究流程與概念架構 65
第二節 研究範圍與資料蒐整 69
第三節 變項選取與分析策略 73
第四節 研究方法與工具 84
第五節 研究倫理 116
第四章 臺北市住宅竊盜時空分析 119
第一節 臺北市住宅竊盜犯罪資料探索分析 119
第二節 竊盜犯罪資料空間探索分析 138
第三節 空間掃描統計分析 146
第四節 時空掃描統計分析 173
第五章 臺北市住宅竊盜區位分析 195
第一節 區位分析資料前置處理 195
第二節 臺北市住宅竊盜區位變項分析 200
第三節 模型評比與變項篩選 221
第四節 羅吉斯迴歸統計分析 228
第五節 區位變項理論意涵與實務意義 237
第六章 研究結論與建議 247
第一節 研究結論 247
第二節 研究建議 258
第三節 研究限制 262
第四節 結語 263
參考文獻 265
中文部分 265
外文部分 272

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