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研究生(外文):Li, Yen-Rong
論文名稱(外文):The Comparison Study of Anti-stokes IR Fingerprint Development Methods
指導教授(外文):Pai, Chung-yen
口試委員(外文):Chen, Chun-ChiehYang, Chiou-Herr
外文關鍵詞:Latent fingerprintAnti-stokes fingerprint developmentUpconversion980nm IR light
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所使用器材與材料包括紅外線指紋拍照系統(X-Loupe Forte Lite System)做為紅外線激發器,激發Anti-stokes粉末(VISAS磁性粉末)產生上轉換螢光。該儀器系統共有980nm紅外線、470nm藍光與白光三種波段,並且搭配Nikon D7000數位相機及濾鏡套組。
本研究共分為三階段實驗,第一階段確認Anti-stokes粉末法在非吸水性及半吸水性平面的使用效果。實驗結果發現Anti-stokes粉末法很適合應用於平滑的非吸水性多色檢體以及有經過膠膜處理的雜誌封面(乃係五顏六色之非吸水性材質),但對於半吸水性材質(例如雜誌內之紙面)則顯現效果不佳。第二階段則是實驗流程的改善,結果發現在使用Anti-stokes粉末法之前,先施以氰丙烯酸酯法煙燻步驟,對於半吸水性材質物面的顯現效果大有改善。第三階段是方法的比較,結果顯示在濾除多色背景干擾的效果上,Anti-stokes粉末法優於一般螢光粉末法;而對於油墨深淺不一之半吸水性物面,Anti-stokes粉末法可與1, 2-IND法組合成效果頗佳之複式顯現法。

For the development and sample collection of latent fingerprints on the surface of objects with multi-color background, there were often difficulties in handling. Anti-stokes infrared development fingerprinting is a newly developed technology. This study explored and confirmed the appearance effect of this new method on various surface materials and compared it with a variety of methods using fluorescent fingerprint powder development commonly used in practice.
The equipment and materials used include the infrared fingerprint camera system (X-Loupe Forte Lite System) as an infrared exciter, which stimulates Anti-stokes powder (VISAS magnetic powder) to produce Anti-stokes fluorescence. This process is also called upconversion. The instrument system has three bands light (980nm infrared, 470nm blue, and white light) and is equipped with Nikon D7000 digital camera and a set of filters.
This study is divided into three experiment stages. The first stage confirms the effect of Anti-stokes powder method on non-absorbent and semi-absorbent surfaces. We found that the Anti-stokes powder method is very suitable for smooth non-absorbent specimens with multi-color as well as the magazine covers treated with a film treatment, a kind of a colorful non-absorbent material. However, for semi-absorbent materials, for example, the papers in the magazines, the Anti-stokes powder method showed poor results. The second stage is the improvement of the experimental process. We found that, prior to the Anti-stokes powder treatment, the cyanoacrylate fuming was first applied, which would greatly improves the appearance effect of the semi-absorbent material surface. The third stage is dealing with methods comparison. Our results revealed that, for ruling out the interference of multicolor background, the Anti-stokes’ effect is superior to that of general fluorescent powder methods. For semi-absorbent surfaces with different ink shades, the Anti-stokes method can be combined with the 1, 2-IND method to form a sequential treatment method with satisfactory effect.
The advantage of Anti-stokes powder method is that it can remove background interference. When photographing, one can adjust the exposure time to enhance ridge characteristics, eliminating the need to use the retouching software to filter out the background interference. The results of this study will be beneficial for the practice in fingerprint development.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
一、 多色背景上指紋顯現的困難性 1
二、 上轉換材料的興起 1
第二節 研究目的 2
一、 Anti-stokes粉末法可應用物面之測試 2
二、 顯現法之效果比較 2
第三節 研究限制 3
一、 指紋檢體影響因素之控制 3
二、 實驗檢體受限於儀器大小限制 3
三、 所用指紋粉末的成分細節未知 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 指紋原理概說 5
一、 人體皮膚構造 5
二、 指紋汗液成分 6
三、 指紋證據的型態 7
四、 粉末法顯現指紋的原理與因素 8
第二節 Anti-stokes粉末法介紹 8
一、 Anti-stokes螢光原理 8
二、 上轉換過程(Upconversion process) 10
三、 近紅外線的運用 11
四、 VISAS magnetic指紋粉末成分 12
五、 Anti-stokes粉末法在指紋增顯的應用 15
第三節 一般螢光粉末顯現法介紹 17
一、 螢光產生原理 17
二、 一般螢光粉末的應用 17
第四節 1, 2-Indanedione顯現法介紹 18
一、 1, 2-Indanedione原理 18
二、 1, 2-Indanedione的應用 18
三、 實驗配方與操作流程 19
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 實驗器材 21
一、 數位單眼攝影機 21
二、 光源(Light Source) 21
三、 濾鏡(Barrier Filters) 22
四、 氰丙烯酸酯煙燻儀器 23
五、 實驗粉末與試劑 24
六、 實驗檢體 25
第二節 實驗內容說明 27
第四章 研究結果與討論 31
第一節 Anti-stokes粉末指紋之曝光控制結果 31
第二節 第一階段實驗—Anti-stokes粉末法顯現情形 34
一、 非吸水性表面 34
二、 半吸水性表面 39
三、 結果說明與討論 43
第三節 第二階段實驗—搭配氰丙烯酸酯之效果 49
一、 非吸水性平面 51
二、 半吸水性表面 59
三、 結果說明與討論 65
第四節 第三階段實驗—方法的比較 69
一、 與一般螢光粉末法比較(非吸水性物面) 69
二、 與1, 2-IND法比較(半吸水性物面) 74
三、 結果說明與討論 78
第五章 結論與建議 81
第一節 結論 81
一、 在非吸水性及半吸水性物面上之應用 81
二、 與其他增顯方法比較及搭配之效果 81
第二節 未來研究建議 83
參考文獻 85

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