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論文名稱:有形文化資產火災延燒風險分析及消防安全因應對策 -以北港朝天宮為例
論文名稱(外文):Fire Spread Risk Analysis and Strageties for Fire Safety of Tangible Cultural Heritage-The Case of Beigang Chaotian Temple
外文關鍵詞:Tangible cultural heritagesconfine firedisaster reductiondisaster mitigation strategiesFDSGIS
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人文社會中,有人類的地方就有火災,有火災的地方就有損失。本研究以「限縮火災波及範圍,降低災害損失使文物災後可回復」為總目標,保護具有重大意義、價值但又脆弱度極高的文物資產為首要條件,評估最可能火災風險情境(The Most Probable Fire Scenario)及最糟糕之火災情境(The Worst Case Fire Scenario)之火災境況,提出性能式設計方案的可行性。

Observation the ancient monuments and historical buildings are important tangible cultural heritages.Because of the years ago, they are more fragile than ordinary buildings.If it faced disasters,its always easily form more serious irreversible damages,in order to reduce the fire spread.Reducing the fire spread to improve the recovery of cultural assets after the disaster.This study refers to internal and foreign important cultural preservation strategies, overview of disasters of tangible cultural asset,disaster factor analysis,assessment of risks,etc.,establish a burn-in model for GIS&FDS simulation,according to the situation of fire.
This study simulates the performance of design with the Beigang Chaotian Temple and the risk assessment,risk identification,internal cultural property value identification and risk management communication with the concept of risk assessment and control,so that the Beigang Chaotian Temple has relevant interests.The stakeholders can understand the risks of the temple and how to make the internal cultural relics better protected through effective investment so that the temple does not destroy the space image.
In the human society,there are fires in places where there are human beings, and there are losses in places where there is fire.This study aims to limit the fire spread damage and reduce the disaster damage.The goal of primary is protect the most significance,value and vulnerability cultural assets.The most probable fire scenario and the worst case fire scenario presents the feasibility of a performance based design.
The protection and mitigation strategies of cultural assets often have a lot of structural incompatibility and visual conflicts.The GIS&FDS simulation provide relevant results to provide the proposed practices and basis of feasible reference for stakeholders to formulate disaster reduction strategies.So that,tangible cultural assets can be saved and passed on forever.

第壹章 緒論 2
第一節 研究動機及目的 2
第二節 研究範圍及限制 6
第三節 研究方法及流程 8
第貳章 文獻探討 13
第一節 文獻綜覽 13
第二節 災例探討及分析 30
第三節 風險辨識及風險分析 51
第參章 研究內容與設計 61
第一節 研究對象現況調查 61
第二節 GIS & FDS模擬及情境設計 69
第肆章 FDS模擬結果與分析 109
第一節 FDS模擬成果呈現 109
第二節 消防設計文物資產可回復性 135
第伍章 結論與建議 141
第一節 結論 141
第二節 建議 143
第三節 後續研究展望 146
參考文獻 150

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