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論文名稱(外文):Discussion on cultural heritage protection and disaster prevention -The Case of Fengshan longshan temple
外文關鍵詞:Tangible cultural heritageParticipation of residentsHistorical educationRisk communication
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The historical representation of cultural heritage and the value of its contribution to society are unique. Once these elements pass through the historical flood and are lost with the disaster risk, they will disappear from the world forever. In order to better protect cultural heritage and reduce disaster risk injuries and ensure that future generations have access to and enjoyment of these cultural resources, it is essential to integrate the protection of cultural heritage into existing disaster reduction policies. While the maintenance of cultural heritage is far from enough only by the efforts of the public sector, only with the joint participation of local residents can the rescue of cultural relics be accessible in the first time. However, the willingness of the public and the government to protect the cultural heritage of the site is due to the depth of their own feelings towards the unique aesthetic, historical, educational, social, symbolic, scientific and spiritual values of the site.
Longshan temple in fengshan is not only a national second-class monument, but also an important spiritual belief in the local area.This study draws the following conclusions by interviewing internal staff and teachers in surrounding schools:1.The ideal steps for the maintenance and management of cultural heritage.2.Cultural heritage protection exchange implementation.3.Related protection of longshan temple in fengshan as a comprehensive analysis.4.Encourage disaster preparedness through risk communication.5.Disaster prevention education of cultural heritage.To better understand the heritage sites and sites to be protected through risk communication, the foundation of mutual trust has been established to reach the consensus on the protection of the site and increase the willingness to prevent disasters.

第一章 緒論...1
第一節 研究動機及目的...1
第二節 研究範圍及限制...6
第三節 研究方法與流程...10
第二章 文獻回顧...14
第一節 文化遺產風險因子及災例...14
第二節 文化遺產維護管理態度相關研究...21
第三節 社區居民參與...35
第四節 文化遺產防護教育...42
第五節 風險溝通...46
第三章 研究內容與研究設計...51
第一節 鳳山區介紹...51
第二節 鳳山龍山寺介紹...55
第三節 龍山寺的風險因子調查分析...65
第四節 半結構式訪談設計...80
第四章 初步研究結果分析...85
第一節 龍山寺相關人員訪談成果...85
第二節 周邊學校教師訪談結果...92
第五章 結論與建議...99
第一節 結論...99
第二節 建議...106

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