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論文名稱:我國未來海洋治理規劃— 以國際海洋生物多樣性的永續發展為中心
論文名稱(外文):Future Planning of Ocean Governance-The Sustainable Development in International Marine Biodiversity Aspects
指導教授(外文):WU, TONG-MING
外文關鍵詞:Ocean GovernanceMarine ConservationMarine BiodiversityMarine Sustainable Development
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In recent years, marine ecosystems have faced the threat of species extinction from land-based pollution sources, pollution from ships, marine dumping, overfishing and catch, marine debris and marine plastic waste, and the international community has begun to attach importance to the sustainable development of marine biodiversity. However, in order to achieve this goal, the integration of normative soundness, the organization planning of marine governance, and the combination of marine science and policy implementation are urgent tasks.
This article focuses on the sustainable development of international marine biodiversity, and analyzes the differences in legal, organizational, and enforcement aspects of marine biodiversity between international organizations and Japan, Australia, Canada, and the European Union. At the same time as the study, considering the importance of science to policy formulation, it explores the use of modern marine technology. After discussing the literature, an interview outline was drawn up to interview different people to understand the situation of marine biodiversity governance in our country.
The results of the study found that the largest source of marine biodiversity comes from land-based pollution, and international norms have gradually evolved from norms targeting influencing factors towards ecosystem management. Under the goal of sustainable development, countries began to integrate marine protected areas originally classified according to protection targets. In terms of ocean governance in various countries, whether the Basic Ocean Law clearly positions and coordinates the organs of ocean affairs is the key to ocean governance. The international community has also begun to attach importance to marine scientific research and regard it as the basis for formulating marine policies.
The establishment of the Ocean Commission, the Ocean Conservation Department and the National Institute of Oceanography is the first step for Taiwan to become a marine country. However, due to political and economic factors, it has not been able to clearly position it, which has led to subsequent integration problems. Through the literature analysis of various countries and the analysis of the interview results, the current situation of marine governance in Taiwan is integrated, and relevant suggestions are proposed to enhance Taiwan's marine research, maintain the marine environment, and achieve the goal of sustainable development of marine biodiversity in Taiwan, so as to enhance the well-being of the whole people.

摘 要 i
Abstract iii
目 錄 v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第壹章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與限制 2
一、研究範圍 2
二、研究限制 2
第三節 研究方法與流程 3
一、研究方法 3
二、研究流程 4
第貳章 海洋生物多樣性規範與發展 5
第一節 影響因素 5
一、來自陸地 5
二、海域工程 6
三、海上廢棄物 7
四、船舶污染 7
五、漁業捕撈 8
六、氣候變遷 9
七、海水酸化 11
八、海上遊憩 12
第二節 國際規範 12
一、《聯合國海洋法公約》 13
二、生物多樣性公約及其議定書 13
三、國家管轄範圍外的生物多樣性 16
四、聯合國《2030永續發展議程》 17
五、陸源污染國際規範 18
六、國際海底管理規範 20
七、《倫敦議定書》 21
八、《防止船舶污染公約》 21
九、國際漁業規範 21
第三節 國際各國發展 24
一、歐 盟 24
二、加拿大 34
三、澳 洲 41
四、日 本 48
五、綜合比較分析 53
第四節 小 結 58
第參章 海洋生物多樣性的管理組織 61
第一節 國際組織 61
一、聯合國環境規劃署 61
二、聯合國糧食農業組織 62
三、國際海事組織 62
四、聯合國教育科學文化組織 63
第二節 區域性組織 64
一、區域性海洋環境管理組織 64
二、區域性漁業管理組織 66
三、區域性海洋研究組織 67
第三節 國際各國管理機關發展 68
一、歐 盟 68
二、加拿大 71
三、澳 洲 75
四、日 本 81
五、綜合比較分析 89
第四節 小 結 95
第肆章 海洋生物多樣性的執行與未來發展規劃 97
第一節 國際各國實踐 97
一、加拿大 97
二、澳 洲 103
三、日 本 106
四、比較分析 110
第二節 訪談研究 112
一、訪談流程 112
二、訪談大綱 114
三、訪談分析與討論 116
第三節 綜合比較分析與未來發展規劃 138
一、法制面 138
二、組織面 140
三、執行面 141
第四節 小 結 144
第伍章 結論與建議 145
第一節 結 論 145
第二節 建 議 147
一、權責機關之建議 147
二、未來研究建議 149
參考文獻 151
一、中文書目 151
二、外文書目 153
三、網路資源 158


















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Australia Government-Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

Australia Government-Australian Fisheries Management Authority

Australia Government-The National Marine Science Committee

Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Parks Canada

Environment and Climate Change Canada

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