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研究生(外文):Yi-Ting Chen
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Fit Factor and Particle Deposition due to Leakage of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators
指導教授(外文):Chane-Yu Lai
口試委員(外文):Shih-Yu ChangMiao-Ching Chi
外文關鍵詞:N95 respiratorFit factorLeakage rateParticle size distribution
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研究以台灣勞工標準人頭分別佩戴3M8210、3M8511及Champak F550C之N95口罩,連接呼吸模擬器,並將呼吸流率調整至15、30、55 L/min分別代表靜止、輕度、中度工作之呼吸型態,及使用TSI 8038 Portacount密合度測試儀,調整不同的密合度係數(Fit factor, FF)至10、30、50、100,再利用卡里遜噴霧器產生酒石酸鉀鈉(Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate, PST)挑戰氣膠至測試系統中,同時以Fidas®Frog進行微粒粒徑分布監測。
實驗結果顯示:3M8210、3M8511、F550C三款口罩在呼吸流率15 L/min、密合度10,微粒洩漏之粒數中位數粒徑(count median diameter, CMD)分別為0.36微米、0.3微米、0.33微米,密合度100之CMD 都是0.28微米。此外,在呼吸流率55 L/min、密合度為10,三款口罩CMD分別為0.3微米、0.27微米、0.29微米,而密合度100時,三款口罩CMD皆為0.26微米。表示當密合度越大、呼吸流率越快時其洩漏粒徑也越小。
統計分析結果顯示,在總洩漏率部分,三款口罩不論呼吸流率為15、30、55 L/min,隨著N95口罩的密合度越高其洩漏率越低。三款口罩洩漏粒徑的比較,多數在3M8210對F550C 與3M8511對F550C有顯著差異,皆是碗型口罩與鴨嘴型口罩間的差異,推測其原因可能為臉部與N95口罩之貼合形狀有關。建議勞工佩戴口罩時,除需選擇適當尺寸外,仍要注意口罩與口鼻之間是否密合以達到最好的防護效果。
In this study, the leakage rate and particle size distribution of N95 facepiece filtering respirator (FFR) under different conditions of workers at resting, light and moderate work were examined by adjusting the fit factor (FF) and breathing flow rate . In addition, we also investigated the leakage rate and particle size distribution of three types of N95 FFR in different conditions of the fit factor (FF) and breathing flow rate .
The testing system established for the experiment used 3M 8210, 3M 8511, and Champak F550C N95 FFR was worn by a standard manikin head model of Taiwan labor and connected to a breathing simulator with the breathing flow rate adjusted to 15, 30, or 55 L/min to represent resting, light, or moderate work breathing pattern, respectively. The fit factor of the mask was adjusted to 10, 30, 50, or 100 by using TSI 8038 Portacount Respirator Fit Tester. A Collison nebulizer was used to produce potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate challenge aerosol into the test system and the particles were assessed by using Fidas® Frog.
The results showed that the CMD of leakage particle size distribution of 3M8210、3M8511 and F550C was 0.36 µm、0.3 µm and 0.33 µm as FF was 10 under 15 L/min breathing flow rate, respectively ; CMD of 3M8210、3M8511 and F550C µm were all 0.28µm as FF was 100 respectively. In addition, CMD of leakage particle size distribution of 3M8210、3M8511 and F550C was 0.3 µm、0.27 µm and 0.29 µm as FF was 10 in 55 L/min, respectively ; CMD of 3M8210、3M8511 and F550C were all 0.26 µm as FF was 100, respectively. It showed the leakage particle size was decreased by increasing of FF and breathing flow rate.
Statistical results showed that the leakage rate of the three N95 FFR was decreased by increasing of FF in any breathing flow rate. In addition, a leakage particle size distribution significant difference between F550C to 3M8210 and F550C to 3M8511, that related to the shape of the N95 FFR. It may be due to the portion of the face that fitted the N95 FFR.
This study showed the leakage rate and particle size distribution of N95 FFR is related to FF and breathing flow rate. It may provide more effective protect effect by adjusting the fit factor (FF) and choosing the fit size of N95 FFR.
致謝 I
中文摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XI
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究緣起 1
1.2研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1 氣膠微粒 3
2.2氣膠洩漏危害 3
2.3呼吸防護具之必要性 4
2.4呼吸防護具種類 5
2.5呼吸防護具選擇 5
2.6 呼吸防護具效能 6
2.7 口罩過濾作用 6
2.8口罩密合度 7
2.8.1口罩密合度測試 8
2.9活動強度與生理表現 9
第三章 研究方法及步驟 11
3.1材料及儀器 11
3.1.1 N95口罩 11
3.1.2國內標準男性勞工模擬人頭 13
3.1.3呼吸模擬器 13
3.1.4面罩密合度測試儀 14
3.1.5 靜電中和器 15
3.1.6卡里遜噴霧器 15
3.1.7 質量流量控制器 16
3.1.8 Fidas®Frog 16
3.2實驗方法 17
3.2.1平均呼吸流率 17
3.2.2 口罩洩漏率 17
3.2.3口罩密合度 17
3.2.4 酒石酸鉀鈉溶液 17
3.2.5模擬人頭 18
3.3 實驗流程 19
3.4實驗步驟 20
3.5 統計分析 21
第四章 實驗結果 22
4.1 微粒粒徑分布 22
4.2口罩洩漏粒徑分布 24
4.2.1 3M8210口罩粒徑分布 24
4.2.2 3M8511口罩粒徑分布 28
4.2.3 F550C口罩粒徑分布 32
4.3口罩洩漏率與洩漏粒徑大小 36
4.3.1 3M8210口罩洩漏率結果 36
4.3.2 3M8511口罩洩漏率結果 40
4.3.3 F550C口罩洩漏率結果 44
4.3.3綜合三款口罩密合度與洩漏率結果 48
4.4口罩洩漏率與粒徑分布比較 52
4.4.1密合度10 52
4.4.2 密合度30 55
4.4.3 密合度50 58
4.4.4 密合度100 61
4.5三款口罩洩漏粒徑比較 67
第五章 綜合討論 73
第六章 結論與建議 77
第七章 參考文獻 79
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