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研究生(外文):Wei-Chieh Tai
論文名稱(外文):Analog Front-End Research Applied in Implantable Neural Recording System-On-a-Chip
指導教授(外文):Wen-Yaw Chung
中文關鍵詞:循續漸近式類比數位轉換器神經訊號放大器電容比例式分離電容陣列式 數位轉換器
外文關鍵詞:successive approximation register analog-to-digital converterneural signal amplifiercapacitance proportionaldiscrete capacitor array digital converter
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摘要 ........................................................................................................................................ I
Abstract ................................................................................................................................ II
Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................. IV
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. V
List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... VII
List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ X
Chapter 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of Study ................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Neural Recording Technology ..................................................................................... 2
1.2.1 Introduction to Neural Cells and Cell Membrane Potential ................................................ 2
1.2.2 Implantable Neural Recording System ............................................................................... 4
1.3 Objectives and Motivation ........................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 Accurately Detect Neural Signals via Microelectrodes of Neural Cells............................... 5
1.3.2 Construct a Low Noise Amplifier to Handle Noise ............................................................. 6
1.3.3 Exploit SAR ADC Structure to Accurately Sampling Neural Signals ................................... 8
1.3.4 Satisfying the Specifications of Neural Signals and Circuit Design ..................................... 9
1.4 Thesis Organization ................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature ............................................................................... 11
2.1 Low Noise Amplifier & Psuedo- Resistor .................................................................. 11
2.1.1 Low Noise Amplifier Design ............................................................................................ 11
2.1.2 Application to Psuedo Resistor ........................................................................................ 14
2.2 Digital-to-Analog Converter & Comparator ............................................................... 15
2.2.1 Digital-to-Analog Converter for SAR ADC ...................................................................... 15
2.2.2 Comparators for SAR ADC .............................................................................................. 16
Chapter 3. The Low Noise Amplifier Design via Neural Recording SOC ............................. 18
3.1 Noise Concept ........................................................................................................... 18
3.1.1 Thermal Noise ................................................................................................................. 18
3.1.2 Flicker Noise ................................................................................................................... 20
3.1.3 Shot Noise ....................................................................................................................... 20
3.2 LNA''s noise efficiency factor (NEF) .......................................................................... 21
3.3 The EKV Model for Low-Power IC Design ............................................................... 21
3.4 LNA Amplifier Using Capacitive Feedback Design ................................................... 23
3.4.1. Design Process of the LNA Amplifier .............................................................................. 24
3.4.2. The architecture of the LNA Amplifier............................................................................. 24
3.4.3. The Design for Pseudo Resistor ...................................................................................... 28
Chapter 4. Successive Approximation Register ADC Technology ........................................ 30
4.1 ADC Theory and Performance Metrics ...................................................................... 30
4.1.1 Resolution and Quantization Error .................................................................................. 30
4.1.2 Static Performance .......................................................................................................... 30
4.1.3 Dynamic Performance ..................................................................................................... 32
4.2 The Architecture of SAR ADC .................................................................................. 32
4.2.1 Successive Approximation Algorithm ............................................................................... 33
4.2.2 Charge Redistribution Architecture ................................................................................. 34
4.3 Sample and Hold (S/H) .............................................................................................. 34
4.4. Comparator ............................................................................................................... 36
4.4.1. Performance Metric of Comparator ................................................................................ 37
4.4.2. Comparator architecture ................................................................................................ 37
4.4.3. The performance simulation of Three-Type Dynamic Comparators ................................. 41
4.5. Digital to Analog Converter ...................................................................................... 45
4.5.1. Performance Metrics of a Digital-to-Analog Converter ................................................... 45
4.5.2. The Architecture of Capacitive Digital-to-Analog Converters ......................................... 46
4.6. Successive Approximation Register Control Logic ................................................... 53
4.6.1 How SAR Control Logic Work With its D-type Flip-flop ................................................... 53
4.6.2. The Simulation Result of SAR Control Logic ................................................................... 56
Chapter 5. Simulation and Analysis of Circuit Design .......................................................... 58
5.1. The Implementation of the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) .......................................... 58
5.1.1 The Simulation Result of the RFC Amplifier ..................................................................... 61
5.1.2 The Simulation Result of the Pseudo Resistor ................................................................... 63
5.1.3 The Simulation Result of the Low Noise Amplifier ............................................................ 65
5.2. The Implementation of Successive Approximation Register ADC ............................ 67
5.2.1 The Simulation Result in fixed Value of SAR ADC ............................................................ 68
5.2.2 The Simulation Result in ramp signal of SAR ADC ........................................................... 70
5.2.3 The Simulation Result in sine wave signal of SAR ADC .................................................... 73
Chapter 6. Conclusions and Future Work ............................................................................. 76
6.1 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 76
6.2 Future work ............................................................................................................... 76
References ........................................................................................................................... 78
Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 83
Appendix A. Measurement data of the recycling folded cascode amplifier chip (1st
version) .................................................................................................................... 83
Appendix B. Measurement data of the successive approximation register analog-to-digital
(SAR ADC) chip (1st version) ................................................................................... 87
Appendix C. Questions and Recommendations ................................................................ 93
Curriculum Vitae of Author ................................................................................................. 94

List of Figures
Figure 1-1 (a) Distribution diagram of device (b) Invasive device schematic diagram ........ 1
Figure 1-2 Structure diagram of neural cells /neurons .........................................................2
Figure 1-3 A complete cycle diagram of an action potential ................................................ 3
Figure 1-4 Membrane potential change chart of action potential ......................................... 4
Figure 1-5 The schematic diagram of an implantable neural recording system ....................4
Figure 1-6 Schematic diagram of a Utah electrode array ....................................................5
Figure 1-7 Equivalent circuit model of the electrode-tissue interface .................................. 6
Figure 1-8 schematic diagram of a correlated double sample circuit ...................................7
Figure 1-9 Schematic diagram of a chopper stabilization amplifier .....................................7
Figure 1-10 Schematic diagram of an Instrumentation Amplifier ........................................8
Figure 1-11 Comparisons with the resolution and sample rate for ADC ..............................9
Figure 2-1 Schematic diagram of Bio-amplifier as neural amplifier 11
Figure 2-2 Schematic diagram of the analog front-end [1] 12
Figure 2-3 LNA architectures : CFN, MIFN, CAFN, OLN and MCCFN approaches 14
Figure 2-4 Schematic diagram of FCCFN ........................................................................ 14
Figure 2-5 Psuedo-resistors: a diode-connected and sub-threshold biased MOSFET......... 15
Figure 2-6 Charge-redistribution DAC with binary-weighted capacitor array in [10] 15
Figure 2-7 Charge-scaling DAC using a split array in [22] ............................................... 16
Figure 2-8 Schematic diagram of Baker’s comparator in [23] ........................................... 17
Figure 2-9 Schematic diagram of a dynamic latched comparator in [10] ........................... 17
Figure 3-1 Equivalent model of thermal noise in resistor .................................................. 19
Figure 3-2 Equivalent model of thermal noise in MOSEFT .............................................. 19
Figure 3-3 Architecture diagram of the low noise amplifier 25
Figure 3-4 Architecture diagram of a recycling folded Cascode amplifier ......................... 26
Figure 3-5 Architecture diagram of a feedback pseudo resistor 28
Figure 3-6 R/I curve of a feedback pseudo resistor ........................................................... 28
Figure 3-7 R/TEMP curve of a feedback pseudo resistor 29
Figure 4-1 Schematic diagram for differential nonlinearity of ADC 31
Figure 4-2 Schematic diagram for integral nonlinearity Of ADC ...................................... 31
Figure 4-3 Architecture diagram of a SAR ADC device.................................................... 33
Figure 4-4 Operation process of 3-Bit SAR ADC ............................................................. 34
Figure 4-5 Charge redistribution architecture of DAC device 34
Figure 4-6 Basic architecture diagram of a sample-and-hold device ................................. 35
Figure 4-7 Simulation result of a sample-and-hold circuit ................................................ 36
Figure 4-8 Linear plots for sampling rates of 100 kHz, 200 kHz and 400 kHz .................. 36
Figure 4-9 Schematic diagram of a P-type dynamic latch comparator ............................... 38
Figure 4-10 Schematic diagram of dynamic two-stage latched comparator ....................... 40
Figure 4-11 Schematic diagram of a wide-swing dynamic comparator ............................. 41
Figure 4-12 Simulation result of a P-type dynamic latch comparator ................................ 42
Figure 4-13 Simulation result of a dynamic two-stage latch comparator ........................... 43
Figure 4-14 High-level simulation result of a wide-swing dynamic comparator ................ 44
Figure 4-15 Medium-level simulation result of a wide-swing dynamic comparator .......... 44
Figure 4-16 Low-level simulation result of a wide-swing dynamic comparator 45
Figure 4-17 Differential nonlinearity of DAC device ........................................................ 46
Figure 4-18 Architecture diagram of a charge scaling DAC .............................................. 47
Figure 4-19 Structure of a charge scaling DAC by using split array………………………48
Figure 4-20 Schematic diagram of a 2-to-1 multiplexer in DAC device ............................ 48
Figure 4-21 Input digital code of the charge scaling DAC device ..................................... 49
Figure 4-22 Output results of the charge scaling DAC device ........................................... 49
Figure 4-23 Transfer curve of the charge scaling DAC device .......................................... 50
Figure 4-24 DNL simulation of the charge scaling DAC device ....................................... 50
Figure 4-25 INL simulation of the charge scaling DAC device ......................................... 51
Figure 4-26 Output results of the charge scaling DAC device by using split array ............ 51
Figure 4-27 DNL simulation of the charge scaling DAC device using split array .............. 52
Figure 4-28 INL simulation of the charge scaling DAC device using split array ............... 52
Figure 4-29 Architecture diagram of a SAR control logic unit 53
Figure 4-30 Architecture diagram of a D-type flip-flop .................................................... 54
Figure 4-31 Schematic diagram of operation of SAR control logic ................................... 55
Figure 4-32 Schematic diagram of next operation of SAR control logic 55
Figure 4-33 Simulation result of a D-type flip-flop ........................................................... 56
Figure 4-34 Simulation result of shift register .................................................................. 57
Figure 4-35 Simulation result of SAR control logic .......................................................... 57
Figure 5-1 The flow chart of the IC Tape-out.................................................................... 58
Figure 5-2 Complete architectural diagram of the low noise amplifier .............................. 58
Figure 5-3 Layout design of RFC OPA amplifier .............................................................. 59
Figure 5-4 Layout design of LNA amplifier ..................................................................... 60
Figure 5-5 Layout design of Tape-out chip ....................................................................... 60
Figure 5-6 The DC gain of the RFC amplifier pre-sim in five corner cases 61
Figure 5-7 The DC gain of the RFC amplifier post-sim in five corner cases ..................... 62
Figure 5-8 Relationships between resistance and current of pre-simulation ...................... 63
Figure 5-9 Relationships between resistance and temperature of pre-simulation ............... 64
Figure 5-10 Relationships between resistance and current in post-simulation……………64
Figure 5-11 Relationships between resistance and temperature in post-simulation ............ 65
Figure 5-12 Pre-simulation results of the low noise amplifier in five corner cases 65
Figure 5-13 Post-simulation results of the low noise amplifier in five corner cases ........... 66
Figure 5-14 The whole architecture of the SAR ADC for simulation ................................ 67
Figure 5-15 Layout design of SAR ADC .......................................................................... 68
Figure 5-16 Tape-out chip layout of SAR ADC and DAC................................................. 68
Figure 5-17 The input signals and DAC outputs of the SAR ADC .................................... 69
Figure 5-18 Simulation results for the output result of each bit in SAR ADC.................... 69
Figure 5-19 Flow chart of correction and regulation in SAR ADC 70
Figure 5-20 Digital output code of SAR ADC for ramp input signal ................................. 71
Figure 5-21 Real Digital output code of 10 bit for ramp input signal……………………..71
Figure 5-22 DNL results of SAR ADC ............................................................................. 72
Figure 5-23 INL results of SAR ADC............................................................................... 72
Figure 5-24 INL and DNL results of correction and regulation. ........................................ 73
Figure 5-25 Input signal and DAC output of SAR ADC for the sine wave signal .............. 73
Figure 5-26 Digital code of SAR ADC for the sine wave signal ....................................... 74
Figure 5-27 FFT Simulation result of SAR ADC .............................................................. 74

List of Tables
Table 1 Specification sheet for circuit design .................................................................... 10
Table 2 PSD of four operating region in MOSEFT ........................................................... 19
Table 3 Transistor sizes of a RFC amplifier in weak inversion region ............................... 28
Table 4 Transistor sizes of a P-type dynamic latch comparator ......................................... 39
Table 5 Transistor sizes of a dynamic two-stage latch comparator .................................... 40
Table 6 Transistor sizes of a wide-swing dynamic comparator .......................................... 41
Table 7 Performance simulation status of a P-type dynamic latch comparator .................. 42
Table 8 Performance simulation status of a dynamic two-stage latch comparator.............. 43
Table 9 The result of performance simulation for a wide-swing dynamic comparator ....... 45
Table 10 The truth table of a D-type flip-flop device ........................................................ 54
Table 11 The utilized parameters of the capacitive component in LNA ............................. 59
Table 12 The parameter characteristics of the RFC amplifier in the pre-simulation ........... 61
Table 13 The post-simulation parameter characteristics of the RFC amplifier ................... 62
Table 14 The pre-simulation parameter characteristics of LNA ........................................ 66
Table 15 The post-simulation parameter characteristics of LNA ....................................... 66
Table 16 The output and regulated results of SAR ADC ................................................... 70
Table 17 The sheet of parameter characteristics of SAR ADC 75
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