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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Financial Literacy and Stock Market Participation
外文關鍵詞:Financial literacyStock marketFinancial infromationLogit regression analysis
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Based on the OECD’s definition of financial literacy, this study measures financial knowledge, financial behavior, and financial attitudes, reassessing the current status of people’s financial literacy, and re-exploring the financial literacy and personal characteristics influences the possibility of people’s participation in stock market investment.
After analyzing 245 valid questionnaires collected online, this study found that in terms of financial literacy, many interviewees incorrectly answered or did not know about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, time value of money, and currency illusions. They haven’t the habit of spending budgets and the inability to accurately estimate or unclear their deposit balances, investment balances, and loan balances, and the continuing self-learning attitude towards knowledge of the financial environment is quite inadequate.
Through results of Logit regression analysis, this study found that the degree of financial literacy has a significant positive impact on people's participation in stock market transactions; This study further found that people's age, education and number of dependents are important factors influencing stock market transactions; This study also found that applying little or hardly at all economics knowledge in the school, doing not know the risk aversion, using financial books as a source of financial information, and caring about changes in the stock market and tax information, have a higher chance of participating in the stock market. However, people who apply hardly at all economics knowledge in their daily lives, collect the product briefings of financial institutions, or advertisements of related companies in the news, magazines, and televisions as the source of financial information, even collect financial information from school courses and lectures, and be concerned about changes in the real estate market and interest rates are less likely to participate in the operation of the stock market.

第一章 緒論..............................1
第一節 研究背景..........................1
第二節 研究動機..........................4
第三節 研究目的..........................6
第四節 研究流程..........................6
第二章 文獻探討..........................8
第一節 理財素養..........................8
第二節 股票市場參與......................27
第三節 理財素養與股票市場參與.............29
第四節 Logistic迴歸分析..................35
第三章 研究方法..........................39
第一節 研究架構..........................39
第二節 研究對象..........................39
第三節 研究工具..........................40
第四節 資料分析方法......................51
第四章 研究結果與分析.....................53
第一節 樣本資料現況分析...................53
第二節 理財知識現況分析...................58
第三節 理財行為現況分析...................62
第四節 理財態度現況分析...................69
第五節 理財素養與人口特徵的差異分析.........73
第六節 理財素養與理財資訊搜集的差異分析.....80
第七節 股票市場參與及人口特徵的差異分析.....84
第八節 股票市場參與及理財資訊搜集的差異分析..87
第九節 股票市場參與及理財素養指標的差異分析..89
第十節 理財素養與股票市場參與之迴歸分析.....90
第五章 結論與建議........................112
第一節 結論.............................112
第二節 管理意涵..........................115
第三節 後續相關建議......................116
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