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論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Relationship between Participative Behavior and Exercise Health Belief on Elderly of the Long-Tern-Care Level C Station in Changhua County
外文關鍵詞:Long-Tern-Care Level C StationParticipation motivationLevel of participationHealth Belief
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研究方法採問卷調查法收集數據,經實證後發現以下研究成果:長者們參與C級巷弄長照站的參與動機會顯著正向影響其參與程度(β= .704, p< .001),且會顯著正向影響其自身的運動健康信念(β= 643, p< .001);另外,長者們自身的運動健康信念亦會顯著正向影響其對C級巷弄長照站的參與程度(β= .730, p< .001);最後,長者們自身的運動健康信念,會顯著正向干擾其在C級巷弄長照站的參與動機對參與程度的影響(β= .106, p< .001)。


In recent years, in order to continue the long-term care 2.0 policy of government departments, based on the community care center that have been implemented for more than 20 years, if combined with the "prevention and delay of disability care plan", it will be transformed into a long-tern-care level C Station. As part of the community-based welfare service that promotes the localization of the elderly.
This study investigated 555 elders in Changhua County who actually participated in the long-tern-care level C Station, and learned about their participation, and extended the focus on the long-tern-care level C Station. After the introduction of courses for preventing and delaying disability, the changes in the elderly's own health beliefs and how to change the changes in participating behaviors.
The research method uses questionnaire survey to collect data. After empirical research, the following research results are found: the participation motivation of the elderly in the long-tern-care level C Station has a significant positive impact on their level of participation (β= .704, p< .001), and it will significantly positively affect their own health beliefs (β=643, p<.001); in addition, the elderly’s own health beliefs will also significantly positively affect their participation in the long-tern-care level C Station (β= .730, p< .001); Finally, the elderly's own health beliefs will significantly and positively interfere with the influence of their motivation to participate in the long-tern-care level C Station (β= .106, p< .001).
Based on the research results, the researchers put forward the following suggestions: It is recommended that the number of long-tern-care level C Station should be continuously expanded to allow more elderly people to participate; the elderly and long-tern-care level C Station should be developed into a resource sharing relationship For example, inviting community seniors with rich experience in various specific fields to conduct teaching sharing activities; the activities of the long-tern-care level C Station should be set up more abundant and diversified, and the function of the C-level long-distance alleyway station should be improved To a better state.

Keywords: Long-Tern-Care Level C Station, Participation motivation, Level of participation, Health Belief

摘要 iii
Abstract iv
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 名詞解釋 4
第二章 文獻探討 9
第一節 參與行為 9
第二節 運動健康信念 14
第三章 研究方法 19
第一節 研究架構 19
第二節 研究流程 20
第三節 研究工具 21
第四節 研究對象與抽樣方式 24
第五節 分析方法 25
第六節 預試結果 27
第七節 正式施測 31
第四章 研究結果 37
第一節 長者基本資料 37
第二節 現況分析 39
第三節 皮爾森相關分析 41
第四節 廻歸分析 43
第五節 干擾效果檢驗 47
第五章 結論與建議 53
第一節 結論 53
第二節 研究建議與研究限制 54
參考文獻 56
附錄一、研究問卷 63

圖1-1 長照A-B-C模式 5
圖3-1 研究架構 19
圖3-2 研究流程 20
圖4-1 干擾效果示意圖-運動健康信念 49
圖4-2 干擾效果示意圖-疾病威脅 52

表3-1 參與動機量表 22
表3-2 參與程度量表 23
表3-3 運動健康信念量表 24
表3-4 預試施測發放情況 28
表3-5 項目分析-參與動機 29
表3-6 項目分析-參與程度 30
表3-7 項目分析-運動健康信念 31
表3-8 正式施測發放情況 32
表3-9 探索性因素分析-參與動機 33
表3-10 探索性因素分析-參與程度 34
表3-11 探索性因素分析-運動健康信念 35
表3-12 信度分析 36
表4-1 基本資料-性別、年齡 38
表4-2 長者基本資料-家人同住情況、經濟來源 38
表4-3 參與動機之現況 39
表4-4 參與程度之現況 40
表4-5 運動健康信念之現況 41
表4-6 皮爾森相關分析 42
表4-7 參與動機(總體)對參與程度之影響 43
表4-8 參與動機(構面)對參與程度之影響 44
表4-9 參與動機(總體)對運動健康信念之影響 45
表4-10 參與動機(構面)對運動健康信念之影響 45
表4-11 運動健康信念(總體)對參與程度之影響 46
表4-12 運動健康信念(構面)對參與程度之影響 46
表4-13 運動健康信念在參與動機對參與程度之干擾影響 48
表4-14 採取建議在參與動機對參與程度之干擾影響 50
表4-15 疾病威脅在參與動機對參與程度之干擾影響 51

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