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研究生(外文):KU, YU-HSUAN
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Modified Atmosphere Environment on Storage Quality of Fresh Cut Fruit Products
指導教授(外文):CHEN, SHAUN
外文關鍵詞:fresh-cut fruitsrespiration ratemodified atmosphere packagepapayacantaloupe
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生鮮截切水果富含營養且方便食用,受輕度加工傷害,導致品質下降變劇,縮短保存期限。本研究分析截切水果在儲藏期間品質變化,並評估包裝環境氣體組成對保鮮的影響,以建立最適截切水果保存的調氣條件。首先研發用以分析採後水果呼吸速率的呼吸箱,進行密閉系統於 5 - 35°C 溫度儲藏性試驗,測量呼吸速率及各項生理性質變化,含失重、硬度、外觀顏色、總生菌數(total plate count, TPC)等,以建立品質指標及劣變動力學。另外也進行動態調氣模式環境( 3 - 10% O2 + 3 - 10% CO2 )試驗,分析冷藏時呼吸速率等儲藏品質變化,評估最適氣體的儲藏條件,續用以軟袋包裝的儲藏期限分析。結果顯示,密閉系統中截切木瓜及洋香瓜呼吸速率受溫度影響明顯,而儲於動態調氣分別於3% O2/3% CO2及 5% O2/5% CO2 環境有最低呼吸速率及硬度下降。木瓜儲藏保鮮袋充填 3% O2/3% CO2 能有效的降低呼吸速率,但無顯著抑制硬度下降及顏色暗化。綜上所述,截切水果運送及儲藏時宜保持低溫減緩劣變,配合合適氣體的調氣包裝儲藏,有助延長保存期限。
Fresh-cut fruits are nutritious and easy to eat; however, minimally processing leads to plant tissue damage and results in quality loss and shortened shelf life. This research aimed to analyze the quality changes of fresh-cut fruits during storage, and then to determine the optimal atmospheric composition for prolonging shelf life. A respiratory chamber made of low permeability material (Plexiglas) was constructed for the determination of the respiration rate, and the chamber was then used to analyze quality change during storage at 5-35oC. The analyses of respiration rate, changes of physiological properties including weight loss, hardness change, appearance color, and the viable count were achieved. Those reaction kinetics were calculated and then used to establish quality indicators. Modified atmospheres (containing 3-10 % O2 + 3-10 % CO2) were introduced to fresh-cut fruits, and the respiration rate and other physicochemical attributes were also determined during refrigeration. Finally, the fruits were stored under the optimal gas composition in permeable pouches, and the shelf life was measured and compared to those in air. The results showed the respiration rate was affected significantly by temperature for fresh-cut papaya and cantaloupe, this led to the quality decrease. The lowest respiration rates and hardness decrease for fresh-cut papaya and cantaloupe were stored at 3% O2/3% CO2 and 5 % O2/5 % CO2, respectively. Subsequently, the fresh-cut papaya stored under a 3% O2/3% CO2 atmosphere resulted in a lower respiration rate; however, no significant effects on preventing hardness loss and color darkening were observed. Conclusively, low temperature is beneficial to delay deteriorative processes, and prolonged shelf lives are achieved in association with the modified atmosphere.
第一章 緒言...........................................1
第二章 文獻回顧........................................3
二、調氣包裝(modified atmosphere package, MAP).......16
第三章 實驗架構......................................23
第四章 材料與方法....................................24
第五章 結果與討論.....................................35
1. 品質指標測定......................................35
2. 動力學分析.........................................52
1. 呼吸速率之測量.....................................54
2. 質地測定..........................................56
3. 失重測定..........................................56
4. 外觀顏色..........................................58
5. TSS含量及pH值變化.................................64
6. 總生菌數測定......................................64
1. 品質指標測定.......................................68
2. 動力學分析.........................................84
1. 呼吸速率之測量......................................86
2. 質地測定............................................88
3. 失重測定............................................88
4. 外觀顏色............................................91
5. TSS含量及pH值變化...................................96
6. 總生菌數測定........................................99
第六章 結論............................................114

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