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論文名稱(外文):Study on the asymmetry between football player's habitual and non-habitual kicking feet
外文關鍵詞:football playershabitual and non-habitualasymmetry
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方法:以 108 學年大專第一級足球男子組之選手為研究對象(年齡 19.92±1.24 歲;身高175.92±4.98 公分;體重 68.93±6.94 公斤;球齡11.42±1.38 年),使用等速肌力儀測量肌力差異和攝影機、測力板、測速槍測量最大力足背射門之差異,並全程使用肌電圖測量肌肉活化之差異。將肌電訊號除以最大自主收縮後,以百分比表示;使用 Movie maker 2020 與 ImageJ v1.53b 軟體處理射門影像,計算關節角度;最後以相依樣本 t 檢定比較慣用與非慣用腳數據,將顯著水準設為α=.05。
結果:慣用踢球腳股二頭肌肌力顯著強於非慣用踢球腳;慣用踢球腳之球速與股直肌活化程度都顯著高於非慣用踢球腳;慣用支撐腳之X 軸(矢狀軸)與股內收肌活化程度都顯著高於非慣用支撐腳,膝屈曲則是顯著小於非慣用支撐腳。
Background: Sports injuries have always been threatening the career of athletes. From a variety of injuries, previous literatures has found that the anterior cruciate ligament rupture is more common and significant, most of which occurs during sports that involve sudden stop or changes in jumping or landing directions. After injury, there is asymmetry of weight bearing load existing on both sides of health athletes. The asymmetry use on both sides
forms the idiomatic and non-accustomed, resulting in the asymmetry between muscle force and muscle mass, especially in the lower limbs of football players. Most studies are specific ally action testing for football players, but its focus only on the dominate and primary kicking feet and unfortunately ignoring the supporting feet. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the differences between the dynamic performance of football players' habitual and non-accustomed feet in shooting action.
Method: The contestants of the first-level men's group of 108 academic year were studied (Age 19.92±1.24 years; Height 175.92±4.98 cm; Body weight 68.93±6.94 kg; Seniority 11.42±1.38 years), using the isometric muscle gauge to measure the difference in muscle strength and the difference between the camera, the force measuring plate, the speed gun, and the difference in muscle activation using the electromyography. After the electromyography signal is divided by the maximum autonomous contraction, Movie 2020 and ImageJ v1.53b software was used to process the shot image, calculating the joint angle and finally comparing the usual and non-accustomed foot data with a dependent sample t-check, setting the significant level to alpha.05.
Results: The bicep strength of the habitual kicking foot was significantly stronger than that of non-accustomed kicking feet. The ball speed and the perception of the habitual kicking foot were significantly higher than those of non-habitual kicking feet. The X-axis (sacrotre axis) and intra-feline muscle activation of the habitual support foot were significantly higher than that of non-supporting foot, while the knee flexion was significantly smaller than the non-habitual support foot.
Conclusion: Long-term use of habitual side to do habitual action, may cause the asymmetrical muscle strength and muscle mass., Changes in action strategies when doing non-idiomatic movements may not necessarily make anydifference closer to the injury factor. It is difficult to only verify muscle strength and future studies should consider comparing different action performance.
中文摘要 ..........................................................I
英文摘要 ......................................................... III
謝誌.............................................................. V
圖次.............................................................. X
第壹章 緒論........................................................ 1
第一節 研究背景..................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的..................................................... 3
第三節 研究問題..................................................... 4
第四節 研究假設..................................................... 4
第五節 研究範圍與限制 ............................................... 5
第六節 操作型定義 .................................................. 6
第七節 研究意義..................................................... 7
第貳章 文獻探討..................................................... 8
第一節 運動傷害之影響 ............................................... 8
第二節 ACL 構造與作用 ............................................... 11
第三節 ACL 受傷方式與情況............................................ 14
第四節 不對稱性的存在 ............................................... 18
第五節 慣用與非慣用 ................................................. 20
第六節 本章總結..................................................... 22
第參章 研究方法..................................................... 23
第一節 研究架構..................................................... 23
第二節 研究流程..................................................... 24
第三節 研究對象..................................................... 25
第四節 研究工具..................................................... 26
第五節 研究過程..................................................... 30
第六節 統計與分析 .................................................. 32
第肆章 結果與討論................................................... 33
第一節 受試者肌肉量 ................................................. 33
第二節 等速與等長收縮參數之比較....................................... 34
第三節 踢球腳參數之比較.............................................. 40
第四節 支撐腳參數之比較.............................................. 44
第伍章 結論與建議.................................................... 52
第一節 結論......................................................... 52
第二節 建議......................................................... 53
參考文獻 ........................................................... 54
一、中文部份......................................................... 54
二、英文部份......................................................... 56
三、網路資料......................................................... 68
附錄一 .............................................................. 69
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