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研究生(外文):KO, YA-HSIN
論文名稱(外文):Exhibition Research of the Difficult History in Jing-Mei White Terror Memorial Park, National Human Rights Museum
指導教授(外文):SU, YAO-HUA
外文關鍵詞:White TerrorMuseum ExhibitionMuseum ParkHistory LandscapePreservation and Revitalization of Cultural Heritage
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Although the White Terror in Taiwan has ended, it is still a difficult history that Taiwanese must face together. Contemporary museums, which is a communication platform, play an increasingly important role in society. As a negative heritage, the White Horror Jing-Mei Memorial Park of the National Human Rights Museum is not only a witness to history, but also a historic site interpreted by on-site conservation and exhibition. As a “les lieux de mémoire”, how has been Jing-Mei Memorial Park interpreted the difficult history? How to use the historical space to convey the exhibition's message? There must be a premise for selection in the heritage interpretation, but which historical landscapes can be consciously seen by the audience in the museum's field and which historical landscapes are hidden after the museum's interpretation is an important issue.
The above questions are raised by this study. In order to answer these questions, this study used content analysis of exhibition as study method for the on-site exhibition in Jing-Mei Memorial Park. In museums, “On-site exhibition” focused on the restoration and conservation of historical sites. The purpose of “on-site exhibition” is to preserve the historical context. The exhibition is aiming for audience immersion, which means helping people to receive information and inspire individual subjective feelings in order to achieve the effect of museum education.
From the study, the strategies of the cultural assets preservation are influenced by factors such as political ideology, national resource allocation, democratic change of concept, and the power of all sectors of society in the process of Jing-Mei Memorial Park becoming “les lieux de mémoire”. Thus, historical judgments and interpretations are still fluid. When the discussion focuses on "difficult history", it means that we are still going through the process of "constructing history".
Looking at the on-site exhibition of Jing-Mei Memorial Park, it can be found that the goal of the exhibition is making audiences immerse themselves in the history, and also receiving objects, models, oral historical films and other information media to make audience can experience the misfortune of victims in the White Terror. Furthermore, not all of the exhibition space is restored from the appearance of the White Terror period. The scenes with repetitive nature had not been completely reconstruct. The recovery status of the Ren-Ai Building can be divided into two descriptions: one is using a lot of replicas and models to reshape the historical space, and the other is restoring the incomplete situation.
During the spatial change of Jing-Mei Memorial Park and the interpretation of the museum, some historical landscapes in the period of White Terror had disappeared visually. In addition, it was found that some landscapes were not returned to the original condition in the period of the Jing-Mei Martial Law Camp. The park inherits the memory of other prisons from political victims. In fact, the complex landscapes are not based on "authenticity", but become mouthpieces of the museum. The audience receives is the historical representation carefully woven by the museum.
第一章 緒論................................................................... 1
第一節 研究動機............................................................... 1
第二節 研究目的與問題.......................................................... 3
第三節 研究設計............................................................... 5
第四節 研究範圍............................................................... 7
第五節 研究限制.............................................................. 10
第六節 章節架構.............................................................. 11
第二章 博物館中的爭議性詮釋................................................... 12
第一節 博物館詮釋困難歷史..................................................... 12
第二節 紀念性博物館的功能..................................................... 20
第三節 景美園區的紀念與詮釋困境................................................ 26
第三章 博物館的現地展示....................................................... 34
第一節 博物館歷史展示特質..................................................... 34
第二節 現地展示與文化遺產的關係................................................ 41
第三節 景美園區之現地展示資源盤點.............................................. 47
第四章 景美園區的地景「再現」................................................. 72
第一節 監獄圍牆的「不復原」................................................... 72
第二節 監獄地景的時間性....................................................... 82
第三節 監獄地景的空間性....................................................... 91
第五章 結論與建議........................................................... 102
第一節 研究發現............................................................. 102
第二節 後續研究建議......................................................... 106
參考文獻 ................................................................... 107
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