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研究生(外文):KE, CHENG-ZHEN
論文名稱(外文):Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling with Dual Resource Constraint
外文關鍵詞:Flexible flow shop schedulingresource constraintGenetic Algorithms
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In the actual production environment, there are generally limited resources. Enterprises often brainstorm how to use existing resources or how to maximize existing resources. However, most scheduling studies only regard machines as the only resources. There are few studies that consider both machine and other resource restrictions, such as considering machine and energy restrictions or machine and raw material restrictions at the same time, and resource restriction scheduling has been proven to be NP-hard in the field of production scheduling If considering dual resource or multiple resource restrictions at the same time, it will increase the difficulty of problem research.
The flexible flow shop system contains more than one workstation, and each workstation must have at least one machine. The order of each work passing through the workstation is the same. Each machine can be selected for processing in the workstation. Flexible flow shop systems are used in many industries, such as textile, steel, assembly, and pharmaceutical industries. However, there are not many studies in the literature on resource constraints under flexible flow shop systems.
Therefore, this study focuses on the consideration of the problem of dual resource constraints in the flexible flow shop system, and sets 18 different scales of data for testing. Each job will be selected in each workstation for processing and the last workstation there are only two machines. The two machines have different resource constraints. Each job will be processed in the machine with the required resources in the last workstation according to its required resources. Solve the problem by minimizing the maximum completion time through the Modified genetic algorithms and compare the effectiveness and stability of the Modified genetic algorithms and the genetic algorithms.
The test results show that the Modified genetic algorithms is used to solve the problem of minimizing the maximum completion time. The improvement rate of the Modified genetic algorithms is 6.20%, and the improvement rate of the genetic algorithms is 5.93%. The standard deviations are all smaller than the standard deviations of the genetic algorithm, which means that the performance and stability of the improved genetic algorithm are higher than the genetic algorithm when solving the flexible flow shop scheduling with dual resource constraint.
目 錄
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 問題背景與研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍與限制 3
第四節 研究流程 4
第貳章 文獻探討 6
第一節 彈性流程式生產排程問題 6
第二節 資源限制之排程問題 9
第三節 探索式演算法 11
第參章 研究方法 18
第一節 問題描述 18
第二節 數學模型建構 20
第三節 求解程序 24
第四節 釋例 27
第肆章 資料測試與分析 33
第一節 模擬資料與測試環境建立 33
第二節 模擬資料測試 35
第三節 測試結果彙整 40
第伍章 結論與建議 41
第一節 結論 41
第二節 建議與未來研究方向 43
參考文獻 44

表 2-3-1 符號編碼示意表 14
表 3-4-1 釋例資料表 27
表 3-4-2 基因編碼表 28
表 3-4-3 最佳解工作排序表 31
表 4-1-1 問題規模彙總表 34
表 4-1-2 演算法之參數設定表 34
表 4-2-1 有效性測試結果 36
表 4-2-2 穩定性測試結果 39
表 4-3-1 測試結果彙整表 40

圖 1-4-1 研究流程圖 5
圖 2-3-1 基因演算法程序圖 13
圖 3-1-1 雙資源限制之彈性流程式生產系統示意圖 19
圖 3-3-1 求解程序圖 24
圖 3-4-1 基因編碼之甘特圖 29
圖 3-4-2 最佳解排序之甘特圖 31
圖 4-2-1 改善率曲線圖 37
圖 4-2-2 運算時間曲線圖 37

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