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研究生(外文):Nguyen Thi Hao
論文名稱:A Qualitative Study on Turnover Intention and Resignation of Employees in the Hospitality Industry in Vietnam
論文名稱(外文):A Qualitative Study on Turnover Intention and Resignation of Employees in the Hospitality Industry in Vietnam
指導教授(外文):Beatrice Loo
外文關鍵詞:turnover intentionresignation processthe hospitality industryVietnam
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There are limitations in the previous research in Vietnam HRM sector. The existing studies in Vietnam HRM focus on how the recent political and social changes affected HRM practices more than on employee turnover issue (Ren et al., 2014; Zhu & Verstraeten, 2013). Therefore, the purpose of the study is to explore the turnover intention and resignation experiences of employees in the hospitality industry in Vietnam.
16 in-depth interviews were conducted and analysed based on the guidelines recommended by Braun and Clarke (2006). Employees do not suddenly decide to leave their jobs. That is a process of reconsidering (Albattat & Som, 2013). Changes can be made when hotel employees have turnover intention, even when they decided to leave and informed managers about their decisions, if there are changes that meet their requirements; employees tend to stay instead of leaving their jobs. The findings of this study revealed that changes happened throughout the experience and process started from the hotel employees had their initial intention to resign until their final resignation decision. A framework of hotel employees’ turnover intention and resignation experiences is proposed based on the findings. The study’s findings are useful and helpful for managers and organizations to understand better about the topic of turnover intention and resignation from the employee perspective and they could take appropriate and effective retention strategies to minimize high turnover rate and retain the good employees.
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
1.1 Background of study 1
1.2 Research questions 3
1.3 Research objectives 4
1.4 Research significance 4
1.5 Research structure 4
2.1 Hospitality Industry in Vietnam 6
2.2 Current HR issues of hospitality industry in Vietnam 7
2.2.1 Low wages and salaries 7
2.2.2 Unskilled workers 8
2.2.3 High turnover rate 8
2.3 Millennial generation 9
2.4 Definitions of Turnover Intention, Job Retention and Employee Retention 10
2.5 A Review of Previous Studies on Turnover Intention Factors 12
2.5.1 Job Satisfaction and Job Dissatisfaction 14
2.5.2 Leadership 15
2.5.3 Supervisor - Subordinate Relationships 15
2.5.4 Job pressure 16
2.5.5 Compensation 16
2.5.6 Working hours 16
2.5.7 Sexual harassment 17
2.5.8 Advancement opportunities 17
2.5.9 Organizational Justice 17
2.6 A Review of Existing Theories on Turnover Intention 19
2.6.1 Herzberg’s Two-factor Motivation-Hygiene Theory 19
2.6.2 The Expectancy-Confirmation Theory (ECT) 20
2.6.3 The Equity Theory 21
3.1 Scope of research 23
3.2 Research design 23
3.3 Data collection 24
3.3.1 In-depth interviewing 25
3.3.2 Sample size 26
3.3.3 Selection criteria 26
3.3.4 Sampling method 27
3.3.5 Participant recruitment 27
3.3.6 Conducting Interviews and Transcripts Translating Process 28
3.4 Data analysis 30
3.4.1 Data storage 30
3.4.2 Data analysis 31
4.1 Participants’ Profile 33
4.2 Resigned employees’ Likes and Dislikes about Hospitality Industry 36
4.3 A Review of Conceptual Framework 40
4.3.1 A Proposed Framework of Hotel Employee Intention to Resign and Resignation Experience 40
4.3.2 Hotel Employees’ Personal Experiences of their Turnover Intention and Resignation 42 The Influences of Relationships (The Employee – Job – Company) on Turnover Intention and Resignation Experiences 43 Stressors and Job Dissatisfaction 44 Trigger Factors, Main Reasons and Job Dissatisfaction 48 Participants’ Reaction Behaviors and Self-reflection prior their Final Resignation Decisions 58 Supported Reasons of Final Resignation Decisions 61
4.4 Reasons to Stay/Return 66
4.4.1 Reasons to Stay/Return the Old Job in the Hospitality Industry 66
4.4.2 Reasons to Stay/Return a Job in Hospitality Industry 70
Chapter 5 CONCLUSIONS 73
5.1 Academic Implications 73
5.2 Practical Implications 74
5.3 Limitations and Future Studies 75
Bibliography 78
Appendix A 91
Appendix B 94
Appendix C 97
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