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研究生(外文):Li-Jen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Development of intelligent remote irrigation prototype system
指導教授(外文):Jian-Lin Chen
外文關鍵詞:3D printingEPANETCustomized prototype
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After referring to the irrigation water demand proposed by the client, this research uses the simulation of the pipeline network analysis software EPANET to establish a numerical model of the water demand distribution. Then, after simulating and analyzing the model to get the best pipeline layout, using the features of 3D printing technology that can be customized, a reduced-scale comparison prototype is constructed, and the prototype is used to verify the feasibility of the actual numerical model. In the prototype constructed in this research, the Arduino control card is used to perform the watering action of the physical model. The communication function of the SIM card of the physical IP allows the entire device of this research to be connected to the Internet to achieve the purpose of long-distance irrigation.
In this study, the remote watering module was designed and produced by the simulation of water supply pipe network in EPANET and the smart manufacturing technology of 3D printing. This module has been tested by experiments to show the validations of the numerical model and the actual model, which can be mutually verified. It has the flexibility of real-time production and modification, and can adjust the scale of the irrigation area according to the needs of the client. Therefore, it has the advantage of prototypes which are customized. The prototype of this irrigation system can be remotely designed, analyzed, and intelligently controlled, which has deep potential for popularization and commercialization.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
總目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
符 號 說 明 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 研究方法與步驟 2
1.4 文獻回顧 5
1.5 本文架構 6
第二章 水路設計及模擬分析 7
2.1 管網水力分析 7
2.2 EPANET管網分析軟體 7
2.2.1 水頭損失公式(head loss) 8
2.2.2 Hybrid node-loop approach 9
2.3 建立管網模型 11
2.4 模型運作參數設定 12
第三章 3D列印製造 13
3.1 裝置之製造流程 13
3.2 SolidWorks介紹 14
3.3 3D列印技術介紹 14
3.3.1 3D列印機 15
3.3.2 列印用ABS線材 16
3.3.3 PLA線材 17
3.4 切層軟體 17
3.4.1 切層軟體比較 18
3.4.2 G-code 19
第四章 智慧遠端控制 20
4.1 Arduino簡介 20
4.1.1 Arduino Software IDE 20
4.2 Arduino UNO 21
4.3 Arduino Mega 2560 23
4.4 Arduino Ethernet Shield R3 W5100介紹 24
第五章 結果與討論 26
5.1 裝置結構之設計 26
5.1.1 給水管網初步設計呈現 26
5.1.2 澆水教學模組初步設計呈現 27
5.1.3 實驗雛型之改進 28
5.2 裝置軟硬體之整合 29
5.2.1 連線網路網路之準備 30
5.2.2 指定固定IP至澆水模組 31
5.2.3 網頁操作介面 32
5.3 裝置定案之設計 33
5.3.1 實際作動流程 34
第六章 結論與未來工作 36
6.1 結論 36
6.2 未來工作 36
參考文獻 38
附件一 滿管水頭損失公式(EPANET2.0 操作手冊) 40
附件二 新管摩擦係數(EPANET2.0 操作手冊) 41
附件三 零件的次要損失係數(EPANET2.0操作手冊) 42
附件四 新管材的粗糙係數(EPANET2.0操作手冊) 43
附件五 Web Server測試程式碼 44
附件六 網頁介面測試程式碼 47
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