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研究生(外文):Nai-Yuan Chang
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of muscle strength recovery and rate of return to sport after Anterior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction
指導教授(外文):Pei-Hsi Chou
外文關鍵詞:ACLRAnterior Cruciate Ligament reconstructionReturn to playReturn to sportStrength cruteria
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背景:前十字韌帶重建(Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction , ACLR)後最常見的回場前目標是達到對稱的肌力(LSI, Limb symmetry index)、恢復平衡與協調、找回本體感覺及弭平心理因素,目前對於ACLR後回到原先運動強度族群之肌力與肌力對稱性並未明確探討,是否有臨床閾值能應用到評估膝關節表現恢復好壞還尚未明確。
研究方法:本研究納入32位ACLR受試者與16位建康男性與女性作為受試者,受試者會填寫IKDC、Lysholm、Tegner問卷並回報ACLR後運動強度狀況並分為Return to preinjury or higher level (Group1)、Return to lower level(Group2)與控制組(Group3),受試者雙腳都需接受2項肌力測試(等速肌力測試與最大肌力測試)與4項跳躍(Single-leg hop for distance /Triple-leg hop for distance / Cross-over hop /Side-hop)測試,使用Receiver operator characteristic(ROC)曲線建立肌力與LSI閾值,使用二元邏輯回歸分析兩項肌力測試方法的相關性與準確度。
結果:本研究回場測試通過率分別Group1:38%、Group2:13%、Group3:31%。通過ROC曲線分析後,本研究建議患側腳之股四頭肌等速肌力測試閾值為2.345Nm/kg(AUC=0.729, p=0.009)其敏感度為0.769,特異度為0.743。股四頭肌器械式最大肌力測試閾值為0.527kg/kg(AUC=0.776, p=0.005)其敏感度為0.769,特異度為0.686。患側腳之股四頭肌等速肌力LSI閾值為89.8%(AUC=0.809, p=0.001)其敏感度為1,特異度為0.6。
Background:The most common goal following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is to achieve normal and symmetrical muscle strength, restore balance, coordination, proprioception, and overcome psychological barriers. Currently, the clinical thresholds for quadriceps strength and quadriceps symmetry associated with positive outcomes following return to sport (RTS) are unclear.
Objective: To establish cutoffs for clinical assessment of single-leg one-repetition maximum testing on leg extension machine and isokinetic knee extension testing following RTS after ACLR. Provide alternate selections of knee muscle strength testing to increase the use of RTS criteria for ACLR patients.
Method: Knee isokinetic peak torque was measured with an isokinetic dynamometer. Single-leg one-repetition maximum (1RM) was measured on leg extension/curl machine. Normalized knee extension torque (Nm/kg) and normalized knee 1RM data(kg/kg) were measured bilaterally in all participants. Physical performance (single-legged hop tests, triple-leg hop test, Crossover hop test, side hop test) and patient-reported outcomes (International Knee Documentation Committee questionnaire, Tegner Activity scale and Lysholm Knee questionnaire ) were also recorded. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves were utilized to establish thresholds for unilateral measures of normalized knee muscle strength as well as limb symmetry indices (LSI).
Overall RTS pass rate was Group1: 38%, Group 2: 13%, Group 3: 31%. Unilateral normalized knee extension strength above 2.54 Nm/kg(AUC=0.729, p=0.009)and 0.527 kg/kg(AUC=0.776, p=0.005), quadriceps LSI above 89.8% and hamstring LSI above 95.4% were the best indicators of predicting outcome of patients after ACLR.
We suggest that the unilateral knee extension strength exceed 2.345Nm/kg or 0.527kg/kg, quadriceps and hamstrung LSI value exceed 89.8% and 95.4% respectively. We also found the specificity(0.743) of isokinetic knee extension threshold is high enough to recognize those patients who can’t pass RTS criteria.
摘要 i
謝誌 v
目錄 vi
表次 viii
圖次 ix
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 前言 1
第二節 研究動機 2
第三節 研究目的 4
第貮章 文獻探討 5
第一節 目前前十字韌帶重建後回場標準 5
第二節 二次傷害機率 9
第參章 研究方法 14
第一節 實驗對象 14
第二節 實驗設計 15
3.2.1 回場標準(Return to sport) 16
第三節 實驗儀器與設備 17
3.3.1等速肌力儀 17
3.3.2 重量訓練器材 18
第四節 實驗流程 20
3.4.1 問卷 24 The International Knee Documentation Committee Subjective Knee Form 主觀膝蓋評估表 25 Lysholm knee scoring scale 膝蓋評分表 25 Tegner Activity Scale 活動量表 25
3.4.2 肌力測試 26
3.4.3 功能性測試 29
第五節 統計與分析 34
第肆章 結果 35
4.1 受試者基本資料 35
4.2問卷 39
4.3肌力 40
4.4 功能性測試 51
第伍章 討論 65
5.1問卷 65
5.2肌力 66
5.3功能性測試 72
5.4肌力與表現 74
實驗限制 75
第陸章 結論 77
附錄一 Tegner scale運動能力評價表 78
附錄二IKDC主觀膝部評估表 79
附錄三 Lysholm膝蓋評分量表 82
參考文獻 83
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