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研究生(外文):Wei-Chun Yi
論文名稱(外文):Utilizing the Digital Learning Program to Improve the Perceived Parenting Efficacy of the Disadvantaged Children’s Parents – A Preliminary Outcome Study
指導教授(外文):Wu-De PENG
外文關鍵詞:Parental EfficacyDigital Learning
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結果: 一、參與者以女性(79.3%)居多;年齡以41-50歲佔51.7%居多;已婚者62.1%居多;月收入以20,001至30,000者佔34.5%最多,其次是30,001至40,000,占27.6%; 96.6%以手機上網。
二、親職效能感前測與後測總分平均數未達顯著差異(t = -.999, df = 28, p = .327, n =29),雖然原始的親職效能感後測總分平均數(M = 26.41, SD = 6.30)看似高於前測(M = 25.44, SD = 6.46)。
四、在使用者滿意度四點量表上,整體平均數為3.60(SD = .50),分數相當高。
The Health and Welfare Department analyzed the reasons of abuse and found that the largest is the lack of parenting efficacy. Therefore, it is essentially required to promote the care giver’s parenting efficacy. Currently, almost everyone has cellphone and parents may easily reach information via the Internet. Therefore, utilizing digital learning program(DLP) to improve the perceived parenting efficacy(PPE)of the disadvantaged children may help satisfy the client’s family needs and to conquer the practice difficulties.
Purpose: (1) To understand if the DLP can improve the PPE of the disadvantaged children; (2) to understand the factors influencing the improvement of PPE; and (3) to understand the feelings and opinions of the users of DLP.
Method: Single group pre- and post-test research design was utilized. The DLP was designed by the researcher that was consisted of ten modules. Each module contains one short film of parent education and one test question. Data collecting method was utilizing the Google form too. Using purposed sampling method, three community care centers for the disadvantaged children were contacted and all agreed to assist recruiting the parents as the research participants. Thirty-four have completed the pretest. However, after one month of participating the DLP, 29 have completed the post-test and thus caused the attrition rate of 14.7%. The data was then analyzed with SPSS.
Results: 1.Most of the participants are female(79.3%), aged 41-50 (51.7%), married (62.1%), monthly income of 20,001-30,000 (34.5%) and 30,001至40,000(27.6%), and 96.6% using cellphone to serve the internet.
2.The PPE means of participants at pre and post tests were not significantly different (t = -.999, df = 28, p = .327, n =29)although the raw PPE of post mean looks higher than the pre.
3.The variables including parent’s gender, marital status, number of children, educational degree, family income, and family structure are all not significantly related with the PPE improvement.
4.On the user’s satisfaction scale, the overall mean is 3.60(SD = .50).
At last, many suggestions were provided based on the results.
謝誌 2
摘要 4
Abstract 6
第一章 緒論 12
第一節 研究背景與動機 12
第二節 研究問題 18
第三節 研究目的 22
第四節 名詞定義 23
第二章 文獻回顧 24
第一節 親職效能感 24
第二節 運用數位學習改善親職效能感 28
第三節 數位學習使用經驗 37
第三章 研究方法 40
第一節 實驗研究設計 40
第二節 實驗處遇 41
第三節 變項架構與研究假設 47
第四節 研究工具 48
第五節 研究對象及抽樣 52
第六節 資料蒐集 53
第七節 研究倫理 55
第四章 研究結果 58
第一節 樣本描述 58
第二節 背景變項與親職效能感進步情形 62
第三節 數位學習使用與親職效能感進步情形 69
第四節 使用者滿意度及回饋意見 70
第五章 結果討論與建議 73
第一節 結果與討論 73
第二節 建議 79
第三節 研究限制 82
參考文獻 83
附錄一 知後同意書 92
附錄二 前測問卷 95
附錄三 後測問卷 97

表 1研究假設與統計方法 54
表 2樣本在背景變項的次數分配 60
表 3研究假設檢定結果 62
表 4性別與親職效能感進步情形之t檢定 64
表 5家庭變項與親職效能感進步情形之單因子變異數分析 66
表 6最常上網的裝置、管道與親職效能感進步情形之單因子變異數分析 68
表 7家長答題數與親職效能感進步情形 69
表 8使用數位學習前後與親職效能感進步情形之成對樣本t檢定 70
表 9使用數位學習方案之滿意度 71

圖 1實驗研究設計圖 40
圖 2數位學習方案google介面 46
圖 3研究架構圖 47
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