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指導教授(外文):LIN, CHENG-WEI
口試委員(外文):LIN, CHENG-WEI
口試日期:September 26,2019
  • 被引用被引用:0
  • 點閱點閱:194
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外籍船員的招募涉及重要因素的考慮。因此,它需要使用多標準決策 (MCDM)。根據以前發表的論文審查,研究人員發現了15(15)個因數,分為三組。基於這些因素,要求航運人力專家/經理評估前 5 個船員供應商國家/地區。使用一致的模糊偏好關係(CFPR)來評估每個因數的相對權重,因為它保證了對相對權重計算中至關重要的一致性屬性的滿足。然後,VIKOR方法在替代品的排名中採用,因為它在"接近"到理想解決方案的特定度量的基礎上引入了多標準排名指數。此方法側重于在存在衝突條件時對一組備選方案進行排名和選擇。 

UNCATD (2018) has ranked Taiwan as the 11th territory in terms of ownership of world fleet by dead-weight tonnage. However, Taiwanese graduates from maritime colleges prefer not to enter into seafaring (Guo et al, 2005). This event directly affects the supply of ship officers and indirectly affects the supply of masters and chief officers (Lin et al, 2001). Chung et al. (2009) mentioned that the imbalance of supply and demand led to being unable to recruit domestic seafarer leading to the recruitment of foreign seafarer. The employment of mixed seafarers could cut the operating expenses of Taiwan national merchant ship by 48.91% (Fong et al, 2001). In 1994, the government of Taiwan permitted the employment foreign seafarers due to the calls of Taiwan national ship-owners and in order to help the industry in cost reduction.

The recruitment of foreign seafarer involves the consideration of important factors. Thus, it requires the use of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Based upon the review previously published papers the researcher found out fifteen (15) factors categorized into three groups. Based on these factors, shipping manpower experts/managers was asked to evaluate the top 5 seafarer supplier country. Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relation (CFPR) was used to evaluate the relative weight of each factor because it guarantees satisfaction of consistency property which is vital in the computation of relative weights. Then, VIKOR method was used in the ranking of alternatives due to fact that it introduces multi-criteria ranking index on the bases of its particular measure of “closeness” to the ideal solution. This method focuses on ranking and selecting from set of alternatives in the presence of conflicting criteria.

Chapter 1 Introduction 01

1.1 Research Background 01
1.2 Research Motivation 03
1.3 Research Purpose 04
1.4 Research Framework 04
1.5 Research Concept 07
1.6 Research Process 09
1.7 Scope and Limitation 12

Chapter 2 Literature Review 13

2.1 The Global Maritime Industry 13
2.2 Global Seafarer 18
2.3 Taiwan Shipping 23
2.4 Factors in the Selection of Foreign Seafarers 24

Chapter 3 Integration Process for
Multicriteria Decision Making 36

3.1 Relative Weight of Criteria 37
3.1.1 Consistent Fuzzy Preference Relation 37
3.2 Ranking of Alternative 40
3.2.1 VIKOR 40
3.3 T-test for independent means 44
3.4 Data Instrument 45
3.5 Questionnaire Design 45
3.6 Data analysis plan 45

Chapter 4 Selection of Foreign Seafarer Supply-country for
Taiwanese ships 47

4.1 Comparative analysis of data between the
Evergreen and Yangming Experts 51
4.1.1 CFPR comparative analysis 51
4.1.2 Comparative analysis of VIKOR 56
4.2 Overall analysis of data 61
4.2.1 Overall priority weights after CFPR 63
4.3 VIKOR 70

Chapter 5 Conclusion, Implications, Limitations and Suggestions 75
5.1 Conclusions 75
5.2 Implications 78
5.3 Limitations and future researches 79

References 81
Appendix 1 Research Questionnaire 85

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