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研究生(外文):CHEN, YUN-AN
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Employees Conflict Management on Job Performance
指導教授(外文):CHEN, T.Y.
外文關鍵詞:employeeconflict managementjob performance
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當正視衝突本身的問題及衝突 帶來的影響,對於衝突要加以管理,應
收有效問卷為 80 份 。
求 。
5.年齡與婚姻狀況等背景變數在衝突管理看法上 沒 有顯著差異。
6.性 別 、 教育程度 、 服務年資等背景 變數在員工衝突管理 與工作
成 效 看法上 沒 有顯著差異。
Conflict is a phenomenon caused by inability or difficulty to
communicate and coordinate. Conflict is a process of struggle for a little
value, power and resources. Conflict is a dynamic process consisting of a
series of interconnected conflict events. It is not necessary to completely
deny all conflicts. We should face up to the problems of the conflict
itself and the impact of conflicts. To manage conflicts, we should make
good use of strategies to deal with the destructive conflicts that have
negative impacts and effectively utilize positive effects of constructive
conflicts in working performance.
This study is mainly to understand whether there is a significant
correlation between library employees' conflict management strategies
and job performance, and to study what kind of conflict management
methods should be adopted by library staff for greatest positive impact
on work efficiency, so that library members can effectively manage
conflicts between each other to create a friendly and harmonious
working environment and to enhance the effectiveness of library staff.
Therefore, this study will explore the impact of library employee
conflict management on job effectiveness. There are 80 valid
Based on the questionnaire survey and empirical analysis, this study
found that important conclusions are:
1.The reliability indicators of employee conflict management and work
effectiveness variables are in line with the reliability index requirements.
2.There is a significant positive correlation between employee conflict
management and work effectiveness variables.
3.Employee conflict management has a significant impact on job outcomes.
4.Age and marital status variables have significant differences in work
5.Age and marital status variables have no significant differences in
employee conflict management.
6.Gender, educational level amd service years variables have no significant
differences in employee conflict management perceptions.and job performance.
摘要 ................................................ i
Abstract......................................................... ii
目錄 ............................................... iv
圖目錄 ..............................................v
表目錄 ................................ vi
一、緒論 .....................................1
1-1 研究動機與目的 ......................................................1
1-2 研究過程與論文架構 .................................................2
2-1 衝突管理 ...................................................4
2-2 工作成效 ............................................. 16
三、研究方法............................................... 21
3-1 研究架構與假設 .................................................... 21
3-2 研究設計 ........................................... 22
四、實證分析與結果 ..................................... 27
4-1 基本資料分析 ................................................. 27
4-2 衝突管理對工作成效影響之實證分析 .................... 32
五、結論與建議 ................................................. 43
5-1 結論 ............................................................. 43
5-2 建議 ........................................................ 44
參考文獻 ........................................................ 46
附錄 問卷 ...................................................... 51
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