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研究生(外文):WANG, WEN-SHIN
論文名稱(外文):Implementation and Analysis of Intelligent Water Quality Monitoring System Based on LoRa Technology
外文關鍵詞:Intelligent Water Quality MonitoringLPWANLoRa
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LoRa 為低功耗廣域網路通信技術的一種,同時具備低功耗、低成本、長距離與低頻段的性質,本研究以 LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo 開發板為主控核心,配合顏色感測器模組,以非接觸方式測量色度,避免污染及延長壽命,並採用低功耗廣域網路之通訊方式,取代過去各個終端節點至閘道器的無線傳輸,增加整體系統的穩定性與減少建置成本,利用校時系統同步終端節點與閘道器的時間訊號,以實現LoRa 通訊模組能進行雙向的控制,同時建置響應式網頁設計與 Line Bot 的應用服務,提供使用者即時監測及數據圖表的平台介面,藉由遠端操作控制終端裝置的開關,改善傳統水質監測系統出現的問題。

Water is one of the basic needs of life and one of the important natural resources. With the increase in the number of people and the improvement of people's living standards, there is a higher demand for environmental water quality monitoring standards. In order to improve the effective usage of water resources, traditional water quality detection methods included on-site sampling and automatic water quality monitoring stations, which provided various types of water quality monitoring items, such as temperature, DO, pH, turbidity, ORP, and conductivity. Most of the existing water quality monitoring systems on the market used a wired network or mobile data for data transmission, and automatically sampling and analyzing water quality in different areas through the water quality detector. Since the cost of the water quality detector on the terminal node was too high, and manual timing correction and maintenance were required, the overall system practicality was too low, and the deployment cost was greatly increased, which could not meet the actual needs. However, it was limited to fields that required better mobile data signals, and it was difficult to be used in environments with poor communication conditions. In the face of the lack of infrastructure and limited transmission distance, the signal was likely to be interrupted during the transmission process and could not ensure the reception of data. LoRa was a kind of low-power wide-area network communication technology, and had the characteristics of low power consumption, low cost, long distance and low frequency band.
In this study, the LinkIt Smart 7688 Duo development board was used as the main control core, and the color sensor module was used to measure the chromaticity in a non-contact manner to avoid pollution and prolong life. The low-power wide area network communication method was adopted to replace the wireless transmission from each terminal node to the gateway in the past which could increase the stability of the overall system and reduce the construction cost. We applied the time synchronization system to synchronize the time signals of the terminal node and the gateway to implement the two-way control of the LoRa communication module. At the same time, the responsive web design and Line Bot application services were established to provide users with a platform interface for real-time monitoring and data charting. The problems in the traditional water quality monitoring system were improved by remotely operating the switch that controlled the terminal device.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
一、 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3論文架構 4
二、 文獻探討 6
2.1物聯網架構 6
2.2邊緣運算 10
2.3LoRa概述 11
2.4LPWAN 12
2.5LoRaWAN 14
2.5.1LoRaWAN 網路架構 14
2.5.2LoRaWAN 終端裝置的分類 16
2.6MQTT 18
2.6.1MQTT 通訊架構 19
2.6.2MQTT 服務品質 20
2.7環境水質 20
三、 研究方法 22
3.1系統架構 22
3.2感知層 23
3.2.1顏色感測器的架構和原理 24
3.2.2吸引裝置設計 28
3.2.3NEO6M GPS 模組 29
3.3網路層 29
3.3.1IL-LORA1272 訊息格式與傳遞流程 30
3.3.2閘道器的連線模式 35
3.4應用層 36
3.4.1網站設計 36
3.4.2LINE Bot 運作模式 37
四、 系統實作與分析 38
4.1系統環境 38
4.2系統實現 39
4.2.1 閘道器實現 39
4.2.2終端節點實現 40
4.2.3使用者端介面 42
4.3 IL-LORA1272 實驗 46
4.3.1展頻因子 46
4.3.2編碼率 47
4.3.3頻寬 48
五、 結論與未來展望 50
5.1結論 50
5.2未來展望 50
參考文獻 51

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