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論文名稱(外文):The Comparison of Financial Audited Warning Models-A Case Study of the Military Financial Unit
外文關鍵詞:Armed Force Financial SectionLogistic DistributionPenalized Likelihood EstimatorAudited Warningpenalty function
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  模擬例子裡,利用數個強韌統計量說明了透過Smoothly Clipped Absolute Deviation (SCAD)所得之參數估計量是具有統計大樣本性質,且透過各懲罰函數所得到之參數估計量皆比最大概似估計量還要來得精確。實例分析中,我們挑選出薪餉發放、業務費支付及資訊業務三個稽核項目,為顯著影響一個財務單位是否健全之重要因素,並建立財務預警模式,希冀透過此研究,能讓財務單位自身能及早發現其潛在危機,進而加以改善,預防財務弊端肇生。

The research purpose of this article is to understand the actual situation of the business promotion of the Armed Force Financial Section, and then help the management to grasp the overall situation of local unit operations in order to strengthen the correction of weaknesses and enhance the competitive advantage of the organization. Therefore, by reviewing the annual audit report of the financial section, it leads to find the variables that impact on performance, then build an early-warning model with predictive and discriminatory effects to detect potential crises.
  We use the logistic distribution of the generalized linear model to construct a statistical model, and introduce a penalty function, construct a penalty likelihood function, and then perform variable selection and parameter estimation at the same time, and explain how to calculate its penalty likelihood estimator, and provide a criterion to estimate the asymptotic variation of the penalty likelihood estimator.
In the simulation example, several tough statistics are used to illustrate the smoothing clipped Absolute Deviation.
  The parameter estimators obtained by (SCAD) are of a statistically large sample nature, and the parameter estimators obtained through each penalty function are more accurate than the most likely estimator. In the case analysis, we selected three audit items: salary distribution, fee payment, and information as variables that significantly affect the integrity of a financial section and establish a financial early warning model, we hope that through this study, the financial section itself can discover its potential crisis and improve it to prevent financial malpractice.

摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
研究動機與目的 1
第二章 邏輯斯迴歸預警模式之建立 4
第一節 財務預警模式之比較 4
第二節 稽核樣本選取 5
第三節 研究變數 5
1. 反應變數 5
2. 預測變數 6
第四節 正常與問題財務單位操作性定義 6
第五節 財務預警模式建構方法:邏輯斯迴歸模型之概似函數 6
第六節 懲罰函數(penalty function) 7
第七節 懲罰概似估計量(penalized likelihood estimator) 9
第八節 參數估計量的標準誤(standard error formula for estimator) 12
第三章 模擬結果 14
高維度問題上之懲罰概似估計量 14
第四章 實證研究 19
第一節 解釋變數之基本敍述統計 19
第二節 解釋變數之統計差異性 21
第三節 統計預警模型建模 23
第五章 結論與探討 26
附錄 27
一、Median Absolute Deviation (MAD) 27
二、k均值法(k-means method):(周文賢,2002) 27
參考文獻 28
中文部份: 28
英文部份: 29

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