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研究生(外文):Hung, Chia-Wei
論文名稱:乳癌病人疾病控制感與生活品質的關係 -初探壓力因應的中介效果
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship between Perceived Control over Illness and Quality of Life among Patients with Breast Cancer: Exploring the Mediating Effect of Coping
指導教授(外文):Wu, Chih-Hsun
口試委員(外文):Chen, Hsiu-JungCheng, Yih-Ru
外文關鍵詞:Breast cancerIllness representationPerceived control over illnessCopingQuality of lifeMediation
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研究方法:本研究以台灣北部某醫學中心之乳癌病人為對象,利用短版疾病覺知量表(Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire)、短版因應量表(Brief COPE)及台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷(WHOQoL)作為測量工具,於病人手術後一個月時評估其疾病覺知之個人控制感與治療控制感、因應策略及生活品質,並於術後六個月再次評估因應型態及生活品質。以路徑分析檢驗包含不同時間點變項之三個模型,探討因應型態是否可中介疾病控制感與生活品質之間的關係。模型一以術後一個月之疾病控制感、因應型態及生活品質;模型二以術後一個月之疾病控制感與因應型態,及術後六個月之生活品質;模型三以術後一個月之疾病控制感,及術後六個月之因應型態與生活品質,進行路徑分析。
研究結果:本研究術後一個月與六個月皆參與者共76人,平均年齡為53.42歲(SD = 10.40)。路徑分析之參數預測結果顯示(1)疾病控制感與生活品質的關係中,個人控制感無法直接預測生活品質;而術後一個月之治療控制感可負向預測術後六個月之心理、社會、環境的生活品質;(2)疾病控制感與因應型態的關係中,術後一個月的個人控制感可正向預測術後六個月的問題取向因應;術後一個月之治療控制感可正向預測術後六個月之逃避因應;(3)因應型態與生活品質的關係中,術後一個月之問題取向因應可正向預測術後一個月之心理、社會、環境生活品質;術後一個月之情緒取向因應可正向預測術後一個月之環境生活品質,術後一個月之情緒取向因應可正向預測術後六個月之社會、環境生活品質,術後六個月之情緒取向因應可正向預測術後六個月的生理、心理、社會及環境生活品質;術後一個月之逃避因應可負向預測術後一個月、六個月的生理、心理、社會及環境生活品質,術後六個月之逃避因應可負向預測術後六個月之生理、心理、社會及環境生活品質。各中介模式的結果顯示(1)個人控制感經由因應型態正向影響生活品質之三個中介模式的間接效果皆達顯著,模式一影響生理、心理、社會、環境之生活品質,模式二、模式三影響心理、環境生活品質,(2)治療控制感影響生活品質的模式一、二中介模式不成立,而模式三成立;模式二治療控制感不經由因應型態直接負向影響心理、社會、環境生活品質,模式三治療控制感經由因應型態負向影響生理、心理、社會、環境生活品質。
Background: Perceived control was crucial to adaptation meaning. Breast cancer patients’ “sense of control” could be affected by the cancer diagnosis, but they could otherwise actively construct the representation of perceived control over illness. Perceived control over illness was associated with the well-being of the patients and influenced the patients’ coping strategies. The Common Sense Model distinguished perceived control over illness into “personal control” and “treatment control.” Past studies indicated that either kind of perceived control over illness could influence the coping strategies differently. This study aimed to examine the relationship among perceived control over illness (includes personal control and treatment control), coping, and quality of life among patients with breast cancer.
Methods: Breast cancer patients were recruited from a medical center in northern Taiwan. Two items of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire were used to measure personal control and treatment control of illness representation at 1-month post-surgery. The Brief COPE and WHOQOL-Taiwan Brief versions were applied to measure coping strategies and quality of life (QoL) of patients with breast cancer at 1-month (t1) and 6-month (t2) post-surgery. Three path analysis models were used to explore whether coping mediates the relationship between perceived control over illness and QoL at different times. All variables used in Model 1 were measured at 1-month post-surgery (t1); Model 2 used perceived control over illness(t1) and coping(t1) to predict QoL at 6-month post-surgery (t2); Model 3 used perceived control over illness(t1) to predict coping(t2) and QoL(t2) .
Results: A total of seventy-six women with breast cancer participated in the study and completed both interviews at t1 and t2. The mean age of the participants was 53.42 (SD = 10.40). The path analysis results of parameter estimations showed (1) Personal control couldn’t predict the QoL, and treatment control (t1) could negatively predict psychological, social, and environmental QoL (t2). (2) Personal control (t1) could positively predict problem-focused coping (t2), and treatment control (t1) could positively predict avoidance coping (t2). (3) Problem-focused coping (t1) could positively predict psychological, social, and environmental aspects of quality of life (t1). Emotion-focused (t1) could positively predict environmental QoL (t1), and social and environmental QoL (t2). Emotion-focused coping (t2) could positively predict physical, psychological, social, and environmental QoL (t2). Avoidance coping (t1) could negatively predict all four aspects of QoL at both t1 and t2. Avoidance coping (t2) could also negatively predict all four aspects of QoL at t2. The mediation model results showed (1) the indirect effects in the relationship between personal control and QoL were significant in all three models. Personal control had significant positive effects on all four aspects of QoL in Model 1. It had significant positive effects on psychological and environmental QoL in Model 2, and 3. (2) The indirect effects in the relationship between treatment control and QoL were only significant in Model 3. Treatment control had significant negative direct effects on psychological, social, and environmental QoL, but the indirect effects through the copings were insignificant in Model 2. Treatment control had significant negative effects on all four aspects of QoL via the mediation of avoidance coping in Model 3.
Discussion and conclusion: (1) Coping was supported as a mediator of the relationship between perceived control over illness and quality of life. Personal control could not predict the QoL directly, but could positively influence the QoL through coping. Treatment control could negatively predict the QoL directly and indirectly via coping. Personal control might reflect patients’ efficacy. Thus, assisting patients to reduce avoidance coping or promote problem-focused coping could have positively influenced the QoL. Treatment control might serve as a cognitive strategy of avoidance coping and might also reflect the risk of insufficient internal and external resources other than medical resources. As the treatment proceeds, the negative influences of treatment control on QoL might increase gradually. (2) Problem-focused coping had marginal positive prediction to the QoL at the same time, and provided a partial indirect effect as mediator. However, its effect decreases as the treatment progress. Emotion-focused coping couldn’t mediate the relationship between perceived control over illness and QoL but could predict the QoL directly. As the treatment progresses, the importance of emotion-focused coping gradually increased. Avoidance coping had the most significant effects on predicting QoL directly and indirectly. It revealed the importance of avoidance coping for the adaption of breast cancer patients. Suggesting future studies to (1) discuss the interaction of personal control and treatment control with larger sample size, (2) explore the relationship between perceived control, coping and QoL in different disease population, and (3)explore the change of perceived control over illness and coping in different time point and their impact on the QoL by more follow-up time points.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
第一節 疾病控制感 3
第二節 疾病因應行為 8
第三節 疾病控制感與因應行為之關聯性 12
第四節 生活品質 18
第五節 研究假設 21
第三章 研究方法 25
第一節 研究對象 25
第二節 研究流程 25
第三節 研究工具 25
第四節 資料分析 27
第四章 研究結果 31
第一節 樣本資料與各變項描述統計 31
第二節 短版因應量表內部一致性 32
第三節 路徑分析 34
第五章 討論 50
第一節 疾病控制感、因應型態分別與生活品質的預測力 50
第二節 疾病控制感與因應型態之時間點 52
第三節 因應型態的中介意義 60
第四節 臨床貢獻與應用 64
第五節 限制與未來方向 66
參考文獻 67
附錄 78
附錄一 短版疾病覺知量表 78
附錄二 短版因應量表 79
附錄三 世界衛生組織生活品質問卷 (台灣簡明版) 81
附錄四 AMOS特定間接效果語法 83
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