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研究生(外文):Wu, Zong-Hua
論文名稱(外文):An analysis of sustainable and responsible investment portfolios: Performance, downside protection, and active versus passive strategies
指導教授(外文):Chan, Ko-Nan
口試委員(外文):Shiu, Cheng-YiChen, Hong-YiChan, Ko-Nan
外文關鍵詞:SRIFund performanceInvestment styleDownside risk
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We use a sample of 142 sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) funds as portfolios to compare the performance of SRI funds to the benchmark, to examine their characteristic of downside protection, and to study the choice of active versus passive strategies of SRI funds. We find that, compared to the benchmark, SRI funds underperform, and active SRI funds outperform passive SRI funds. We show that passive SRI funds have outstanding performance as downside protection. During the upturn periods, active SRI funds have better security selection to outperform passive SRI funds. However, during the downturn periods, passive SRI funds outperform active SRI funds. Furthermore, concerning expense fees, active SRI funds still perform better than passive SRI funds. The investment style of SRI funds tends more towards the growth-oriented stocks, and less towards value-oriented, or investment-oriented stocks. The main differences between the active-passive strategies in SRI funds lie in abnormal return and market exposure in the downturn periods. Our findings suggest that SRI investors pay a cost to meet SRI criteria, and advocate that the underperformance of SRI funds relative to conventional funds. Moreover, because passive SRI funds provide downside protection in the downturn periods, SRI funds are opposite to traditional funds in the choice of investment strategy.
Abstract III
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review & Hypotheses 5
3. Methodology 8
3.1 Data 8
3.2 Downturn Periods 10
3.3 Performance Evaluation Model 10
4. Results & Discussion 13
4.1 Fund Performance 14
4.2 Fund Performance and Timing in Downturn 16
4.3 Factor-Based Performance 18
5. Conclusions 19
References 21
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