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研究生(外文):Chia-Jung Wu
論文名稱(外文):A Comparative Study on Internationalization Process in Catering Firms
外文關鍵詞:Catering FirmsInternationalization ProcessLocation ChoiceResource-Based viewNetwork Theory
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台灣的餐飲品牌多為中小企業,品牌逐漸發展成熟之際,由於市場規模有限及發揚特色餐飲文化,擴展海外市場成為品牌成長動能之一。以餐點及飲品品牌而言,產品特性和進入門檻的差異,使其在開拓國際新市場時有不同的策略和發展成果。針對餐飲服務業的兩種業態,採多個案研究法探討異同,並以餐點類和飲品類各兩家成功進軍國際的餐飲品牌高階主管為訪談對象進行深度訪談,主要探討 (1) 國際化動機與區位選擇的關係;(2) 在海外當地營運模式的差異與造成差異的因素;(3) 國際化路徑的差異與造成差異的因素。再將四家餐飲品牌進行對比與分析,總結餐點和飲料品牌在拓展海外市場的差異,期望提出的實務面建議能對計畫國際化的品牌有所幫助。

Global market expansion marks one of the driving forces for Taiwanese catering firms, mostly SMEs, to grow their business. Contributing factors include limit of market size and diversified promotion of culinary culture. In terms of food and beverage brands, differences in product portfolios and entry barriers lead to the development of different strategies and operation outcomes when entering new markets.
This paper will discuss the similarities and differences of global market expansion for food and beverage firms by multiple case studies. In-depth interviews were conducted with senior managers of four brands which have entered foreign markets successfully, two from each category. The main purpose is to discuss (1) the relationship between motivation of business internationalization and location choice (2) differences and reasons of business operation models overseas (3) differences and reasons of internationalization process. All the elements above were analyzed collectively to reach the conclusive explanations of differences between food and beverage brands in overseas market expansion.
Studies first indicated that internationalization motivation and location choice of catering firms are highly market-oriented and dominated by business networks. Second, all four catering firms agreed on the necessity of core technologies or skill sets. Note that food catering type has a greater degree of localization and relies on the assistance of local partners for product localization. Studies finally concluded that business networks and location advantage explained the differences when it comes to two internationalization paths. The results are expected to support SMEs in entering new markets practically.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 2
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 國際化理論 5
第二節 區位選擇 11
第三節 資源基礎理論 13
第四節 網絡理論 13
第三章 研究方法 15
第一節 質性研究 15
第二節 研究設計 15
第三節 研究對象 18
第四章 個案介紹 20
第一節 一芳台灣水果茶 20
第二節 Coco都可 22
第三節 王品集團 24
第四節 千葉餐飲集團 25
第五節 小結 27
第五章 個案比較與分析 30
第一節 餐廳個案比較 30
第二節 連鎖飲料個案比較 40
第三節 餐廳與連鎖飲料個案比較 46
第六章 結論與建議 49
第一節 研究結論 49
第二節 研究貢獻與實務意涵 52
第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 53
參考書目 55

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