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研究生(外文):Ching-Ling Chao
論文名稱(外文):Parameters Selection in Stochastic Subspace Identification for Operational Modal Analysis
指導教授(外文):Yum-Ji Chan
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Operational modal analysis (OMA) is currently one of the key technologies used in mechanical dynamics analysis. The data driven stochastic subspace identification (DD-SSI) is a time-domain method used to identify modal parameters in machinery and structures. Although the DD-SSI OMA procedure has now been established, guidelines selecting the user-defined variables do not yet exist. The variables I and N, the dimensions of Hankel matrix, lead to the variation of identified modal parameters. The variable I makes an impact on the projection process and modal parameters extraction. Besides, the model (computing) order is also followed by the variable I.
In this research, the aim is to determine the suitable value of I for identification of multiple-output (MO) with multiple degree of freedom (MDOF) system and the model (computing) order in identification. The model order is sought by applying the characteristics of circulant matrix to indicate the non-zero singular values and corresponding singular values of projection matrix O. It’s found that frequency-domain issues arise in DD-SSI OMA method which could be avoided by selecting particular values of I practically unfeasible. The use of stabilization diagram can make a quick estimation of the model order of post-processing progress. For MO-MDOF system, computation for extracting modal parameters would be considerable. Under limited computer memory, it is available to resolve the MO system response into multiple SO system responses in identification. By combining these optimization techniques, modal parameters of two MO-MDOF systems are identified.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Table of Contents iii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures v
Abbreviations vi
Nomenclature vii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Literature Review 2
1.3. Objectives 7
1.4. Methodology 8
1.5. Structure of Thesis 9
Chapter 2. Theory and Methods 10
2.1. Random Variables and Signal Processing Tools 10
2.2. Data Driven SSI-OMA 14
2.3. Singular Value Decomposition 20
Chapter 3. Analysis of the Process in Data Driven SSI-OMA 22
3.1. Order Determination of Post-Processing Progress 23
3.2. Identification Performance on Parameters 32
3.3. Analysis of the MO-MDOF block Hankel matrix 36
Chapter 4. Experimental Demonstration 42
4.1. Three-Storey Frame 43
4.2. 8-sector Integral Bladed Disc 51
Chapter 5. Conclusions and Future Prospects 57
5.1. Conclusions 57
5.2. Future prospects 60
References 61
Appendix A. Derivation 65
A.1. Derivation of Matrices F_1 and F_2 Being Circulant 65
A.2. Derivation of T_pp for MO-SDOF system 67
Appendix B. Equipment 70
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