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論文名稱(外文):Effects of Emotional changes in elderly people on Facial Expression, Pupil Variation, Galvanic Skin Responses and Heart Rate Variability
外文關鍵詞:ElderlyEmotional expressionFacial expression recognitionPupil varianceGalvanic skin responses
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本研究招募30名自願健康的高齡受試者,男女各半,年齡分布範圍在60-75歲。編輯六段免費網路平台影片,誘發六種情緒(開心、悲傷、憤怒、驚奇、恐懼、厭惡),透過主觀自我情緒評估量表(self-assessment manikin, SAM)與貼圖紀錄主觀情緒感受,並使用臉部表情系統(Noldus facereader 7)進行臉部表情辨識,眼動追蹤系統(Tobii Pro X3-120)進行瞳孔反應紀錄,生理回饋設備(Pro Comp Infiniti)偵測皮膚電導反應和心率變異分析,探討高齡者六種情緒(開心、悲傷、憤怒、驚奇、恐懼、厭惡)反應時,心理感受與生理量測之關係,性別差異對情緒反應的影響亦被討論。收集資料以Excel進行資料的整理,並透過統計軟體SPSS 22進行分析,使用單因子變異數分析和卡方檢定探討情緒影片對各項之影響。研究發現在瞳孔最大值、瞳孔變化量、瞳孔缺失比率、皮膚電導反應和心率於六類情緒皆有差異(p<.05),在性別則於瞳孔最大值、皮膚電導反應和心率有顯著差異(p<.05)。

The percentage of the elderly population in society today is rising. Taiwan is about to enter a "super-aged society" in 2026, and aging affects the physiological and psychological functions of the elderly, as well as affecting the emotional functions of the elderly.
The purpose of this study is to collect current subjective emotional feelings through the emotional induction of elderly people, continuously record facial expression recognition, pupil variation, galvanic skin responses, and heart rate variability in elderly people, to understand the characteristics of emotional changes in elderly people using changes in physiological signals and psychological evaluation.
This study recruited 30 volunteers, half male and half female, with an age distribution ranging from 60 to 75 years of age. Edit six free internet platform videos to induce six emotions: happy, sad, anger, surprise, fear, disgust, record subjective emotional feelings through the self-assessment manikin (SAM) and E-sticker, and use facial expression system ( Noldus FaceReader 7) for facial expression recognition, eye tracking system ( Tobii Pro X3-120) for pupil variation, and physiological feedback device (Pro Comp Infiniti) to detect skin conductance response and heart rate variability. Discussing the six emotional responses to psychological and physiological measurements for the elderly, as well as the effects of gender differences on emotional responses were also discussed. Collect the data and organize it in Excel, and analyze it in SPSS 22, using a One-way ANOVA and Chi-Square Test to explore the impact of emotional videos on each item's emotional state.
The study found that there were differences in pupil diameter, the pupil variance, the missed pupil ratio, the skin conductance response, and the heart rate for the six types of emotions (p<.05). There is a significant difference in gender between the pupil diameter, heart rate, and skin conductance response (p<.05). In facial expressions, the highest recognition rate is in fear, and disgust is the lowest. The highest proportion of arousal in a skin conductance reaction is in the fear emotional response. The pupil diameter and the pupil variance are the largest in the fear group. The highest heart rate appears in the emotional response of surprise.
The quantified emotional change data can be used as a reference for the detection of emotional changes in the elderly in the future. If it is integrated into the technology of remote home care, it can identify the emotions of the elderly and give feedback in real time, making the human-computer interaction more humanized.

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 iii
致謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 ix
表目錄 x
第一章緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構與流程 4
1.4 研究限制 4
第二章文獻回顧 6
2.1 情緒的定義與發展 7
2.2 情緒心理評量 8
2.3 情緒與臉部表情之關係 9
2.4 情緒生理量測 10
2.4.1 情緒反應與瞳孔反應之關係 11
2.4.2 情緒反應與皮膚電導反應(galvanic skin responses)之關係 11
2.4.3 情緒反應與心率變異分析之關係 12
2.5 高齡者情緒反應 15
2.6 小結 17
第三章研究方法 18
3.1 問題定義 18
3.2 實驗設計 18
3.2.1 受試者 18
3.2.2 自變項 18
3.2.3 依變項 18
3.2.4 實驗設備 20
3.3 實驗流程 27
第四章研究成果 28
4.1 情緒與心理評量 28
4.1.1 情緒與自我情緒評估量表(self-assessment manikin, SAM) 28
4.1.2 情緒與情緒貼圖選用 30
4.2 情緒與臉部表情反應 37
4.3 情緒與生理量測 38
4.3.1 情緒與瞳孔反應 38
4.3.2 情緒與皮膚電導反應 43
4.3.3 情緒與心率變異分析 44
4.4 性別與心理量測 46
4.4.1 性別與自我情緒評估量表(self-assessment manikin, SAM) 46
4.4.2 性別與情緒貼圖選用 47
4.5 性別與臉部表情反應 51
4.6 性別與生理量測 52
4.6.1 性別與瞳孔反應 52
4.6.2 性別與皮膚電導反應 56
4.6.3 性別與心率變異分析 57
第五章討論 59
5.1 情緒與心理評量 59
5.2 情緒與臉部表情 60
5.3 情緒與生理量測 60
5.4 性別與心理評量 61
5.5 性別與臉部表情 61
5.6 性別與生理量測 61
第六章結論與建議 63
6.1 結論 63
6.2 建議 66
參考文獻 67
附錄一、研究參與者知情同意書 77

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