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論文名稱:利用雙損失函數之Mask R-CNN偵測胸腔電腦斷層的肺部病變
論文名稱(外文):Detection of Lung Lesions from Chest CT Using Mask R-CNN with Twin Loss Functions
指導教授(外文):Shen-Chuan Tai
外文關鍵詞:medical imagecomputer tomographylung lesiondeep learningloss function
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本論文提出利用深度學習,預測胸腔電腦斷層影像中可能的病變區域,並將區域框出,作為醫護人員診斷報告中的參考資訊,以期能夠及早發現病變區域。深度學習模型主要基於Mask R-CNN,採用雙損失函數,分別對預測位置的中心距離和長寬大小進行修正。實驗結果顯示,相較於僅使用單一損失函數對兩項評斷標準,分別使用兩種不同損失函數,有更好的判讀效果。
Lung lesion is the symptom of lung cancer. In the report of ‘CANCER REGISTRY ANNUAL REPORT, 2016’ in Taiwan, the morbidity and mortality rate of lung cancer are constantly increasing in recent years. The five-year survival rate of patient in stage III or IV has decreased to 19%. Using X -ray or computer tomography to discover the lesion regions in early stage and trace exam is an effect method to decrease the mortality rate.
This thesis utilizes deep learning to predict the lesion regions that carries high risks in chest computer tomography and mask the lesion regions. Healthcare professional can take the results of prediction as reference in diagonal report to discover lung lesion in early stage. The deep learning model is based on Mask R-CNN with twin loss functions to calculate the distance of center and the difference of width and height, respectively. In the results of experience, it gets better performance with using two different loss functions than only one loss function.
摘 要.......................................i
Table of Content............................iv
List of Tables..............................vi
List of Figures.............................vii
List of Abbreviation........................xi
Chapter1 Introduction.......................1
1.1 Overview................................1
1.2 Organization of the Thesis..............4
Chapter2 Background and Related Works.......5
2.1 Computer Tomography (CT)................5
2.1.1 Projection and Radon Transform........7
2.1.2 Image Reconstruction..................11
2.2 Windowing...............................16
2.2.1 Window Level..........................17
2.2.2 Window Width..........................18
2.3 Convolutional Neural Network............19
2.3.1 Back-propagation & Gradient Descent...21
2.3.2 Learning rate.........................22
2.4 Loss Function...........................23
2.4.1 L1 Loss...............................23
2.4.2 L2 Loss...............................24
2.4.3 Huber Loss............................26
2.4.4 Cauchy’s Loss Function................27
2.5 Transfer learning.......................28
2.6 Mask R-CNN..............................29
2.6.1 Feature Pyramid Network (FPN).........31
2.6.2 Region Proposal Network (RPN).........32
2.6.3 RoIPool and RoIAlign..................34
Chapter3 The Proposed Algorithm.............36
3.1 Intensity Preprocessing.................38
3.2 Network Training........................38
3.2.1 Model Weights Pre-training............39
3.2.2 Main Model Training...................41
3.3 Loss Function...........................41
3.4 Test Method.............................46
Chapter4 Results and Discussion.............48
4.1 Experimental Dataset and Setting........48
4.2 Performance Evaluation..................50
Chapter5 Conclusion and Future Works........59
5.1 Conclusion..............................59
5.2 Future Works............................59
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