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研究生(外文):LAI, HSIN-YUAN
論文名稱(外文):Generic Competences for Higher Education Graduates in the Context of Glocalization
外文關鍵詞:Higher Education GraduatesGlocalizationGeneric Competences
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本研究首先就多樣的國際核心素養架構進行文獻探討,著重於核心素養的實用範疇、全球在地化以及在高等教育環境中的應用等面向。 在此基礎上,進一步的選邀產業界與高等教育界具有國際與本土經驗與歷練的學者專家代表,參與德懷術調查和半結構式訪談。 其中,量化研究導向的德懷術調查,主要在於尋求十六位參與者就核心素養相關問題的共識,同時探索和解釋差別回應的原因、理由與關連性。 另一方面,半結構式訪談則以質性研究為內涵,針對可適切應用於高等教育環境與就業市場,並反應新世代就業力的核心素養,尋求七位受訪者即時與深度兼具的實務回饋意見。

- 核心素養在工作職場的應用:包括用於招聘和在長期職涯發展具有重要性的核心素養。
- 高等教育畢業生所具備的核心素養:包括對來自頂尖大學與非頂尖大學畢業生的討論。
- 核心素養的培養:包括在工作職場和高等教育環境中的培養。
- 核心素養的演變:包括在全球化與數位化下的演變,以及在企業生態快速演進下核心素養的需求趨勢。


Higher education in Taiwan has evolved from elite to massification. Under the rapid changing context within which glocalization is taking place, higher education graduates need to be better prepared for entry into the job market. Therefore, this study aims to identify a set of generic competences using common language as a pragmatic approach that can be cultivated in the higher education environment, and adaptable and applicable in the job market. Accordingly, this set of selected generic competences for higher education graduates would be valid for not only guiding and developing their individual learning path and strategy, but also instilling them with the generic competences required by the job market so that the transition from higher education to the world of work can be significantly shortened for the mutual benefit of graduates and employers.

This research first examines literature regarding the international generic competences frameworks to synthesize the foundational materials, where the scoping and glocalizaton of generic competences as well as the use of generic competences in higher education environment were screened. On this basis, two research methods – Delphi method and semi-structured interviews will be employed. Industrial and higher education sectors, in addition to global and local aspects have been taken into account when inviting participants for both research methods. The Delphi method is exercised to widen the scope of opinions collected from sixteen participants that aims to seek consensus from participants’ responses to the generic competences related questions. It also explores and interprets the reasons and rationales of the variation identified from the responses received. On the other hand, Semi-structured interviews as qualitative research were conducted for the purpose of gaining timely and practical in-depth feedback from seven diverse representatives to inform the selection of generic competences, which are not only reflective of the modern trends of employability, but also mutually applicable in both higher education and job market contexts.

In order for not only the common ground to be expansively scoped but also the individual views to be more fully taken into account, the findings from the literature review, as well as both research methods, have been analyzed through inter-active manners, i.e. the written comments from Delphi respondents would also be seen as qualitative reference whereas the statistical figures from Semi-structured interview would be treated as quantitative results. As a result, the set of identified generic competences hereby is to be concluded together with recommendations of two associated features, i.e. overarching themes and mindsets in four generic competences related key dimensions:
- Use of generic competences in workplace: including the generic competences that used for recruitment and that essential for long term career.
- Higher education graduates’ possession of generic competences: including the discussion on both graduates from higher ranking and non-higher ranking universities.
- Cultivation of generic competences: including cultivation in workplace and higher education environment.
- Changes of generic competences: including the new focus emerged under the globalization, digitalization and rapid moving industrial ecology.

While most notions under the set of identified generic competences, and the associated features in question, are transversal and inter-related with each other, it can be seen that Communication & Collaboration, Learning to Learn and Creativity & Innovation are the top three generic competences that are inferred across in these four key features.
The set of identified generic competences can be seen as an initiating point for further research with a focus on the cultivation of higher education students’ generic competences.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgements i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
Table of Contents vii
List of Tables ix

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Research Niche 5
1.3 Research Purpose 7
1.4 Explanation of Terminology 8
1.5 Research Scope and Limitation 10

Chapter 2 Literature Review 13
2.1 The Scoping of Generic Competences 13
2.2 The Glocalization of Generic Competences 55
2.3 The Use of Generic Competences in Higher Education 64

Chapter 3 Research Design and Method 81
3.1 Research Design and Procedure 81
3.2 Researcher Position 85
3.3 Research Method – Delphi Method 86
3.4 Research Method – Semi-Structured Interviews 94
3.5 Research Ethics 100
3.6 Research Authenticity 100

Chapter 4 Research Finding and Discussion 103
4.1 Findings from Delphi Method 103
4.2 Findings from Semi-structured Interviews 144
4.3 General Discussion 191

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendations 205
5.1 Conclusion – the Set of Identified Generic Competences for Higher Education
Graduates 206
5.2 Recommendations 210

References 217
1. Chinese References 217
2. English References 217

Appendix 223
Appendix I 1st Round Delphi Questionnaires and Invitation Letter 223
Appendix II 2nd Round Delphi Questionnaires and Invitation Letter 236
Appendix III The Briefing of Semi-structured Interview 248
Appendix IV Semi-structured Interview Consent 252

List of Tables

Table 2-1 Comparison of Six Selected Generic Competences with Associated Categorizations in Ten Frameworks 44
Table 2-2 Comparison Chart of Key Competences for Lifelong Learning 2006 and 2008 50
Table 3-1 Research Procedure Flow Chart 84
Table 3-2 Participants to Delphi Method 87
Table 3-3 Changes of Generic Competences Listed in 1st & 2nd Rounds of Delphi Questionnaires 93
Table 3-4 Coding System for Semi-structured Interviews 99
Table 4-1 Delphi Results – Generic Competences Used for Recruitment 104
Table 4-2 Delphi Results – Generic Competences Used for Long Term Career Development 108
Table 4-3 Delphi Results – Generic Competences Possessed by HE Graduates Prior to Job Market 111
Table 4-4 Delphi Results – Generic Competences Possessed by HE Graduates in Higher and Average Ranking Universities 114
Table 4-5 Delphi Results – Generic Competences Possessed by HE Graduates Recognized Evidentially from Their Certificates and Transcripts 118
Table 4-6 Delphi Results – Generic Competences more Likely Cultivated in Workplace 121
Table 4-7 Delphi Results – Generic Competences Likely Cultivated in HE Campus by Classroom Activities 124
Table 4-8 Delphi Results – Generic Competences Likely Cultivated in Higher Education Campus by Non-Classroom Activities 127
Table 4-9 Delphi Results – Changes Characterized by Globalization on Generic Competences’ Core Nature and Application 130
Table 4-10 Delphi Results – Changes Characterized by Digitalization on Generic Competences’ Core Nature and Application 134
Table 4-11 Correlated Comparison of Statistical Results of Delphi Questionnaires 138
Table 5-1 List of Selected Generic Competences with Associated Contexts 208


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