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研究生(外文):Huang, Chi-Sheng
論文名稱(外文):Field Distributions of Laminated Multiferroic Composites with Spring-type Imperfect Interfaces
指導教授(外文):Kuo, Hsin-Yi
口試委員(外文):Chen, Cheng-ChihKuo, Hsin-YiTsou, Nien-Ti
外文關鍵詞:Laminated elastic compositesLaminated multiferroic compositesSpring-type imperfect interfacesPropagator matrix
  • 被引用被引用:4
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In this work, we study the field distributions of laminated multiferroic composites with the spring-type imperfect interfaces. Multiferroic composites were invented for enhancing magnetoelectric coupling effect and have been investigated in recent years. In early studies, potential and traction in interfaces were assumed continuous. However, some defects are unavoidable in the process of manufacturing composites. Imperfect interfaces can be divided into stress-type imperfect interfaces, which represent discontinuity in potential and spring-type interfaces, which represent discontinuity in traction.
We use double Fourier series to express displacement, in-plane stresses, and normal stresses in elastic laminated composites, and extend to the generalized displacement and generalized stresses in multiferroic laminated composites. By adopting propagator matrix, the field of two thickness locations can be connected and the feature of spring-type imperfect interfaces can transform into spring-type imperfect interface matrix. By giving boundary condition, the field distributions along the thickness can be derived.
In numerical studies, we can learn that electric displacement ratio and electric potential ratio of in piezoelectric material and in piezomagnetic material with spring-type imperfect interfaces are larger than perfect interfaces. Similarly, magnetic potential ratio and magnetic flux density ratio of in piezomagnetic material and in piezoelectric material with spring-type imperfect interfaces are larger than perfect interfaces. By the result of exerting the surface normal electric displacement and surface normal magnetic flux density on laminated multiferroic composites, we find that spring-type imperfect interfaces reduce the magnetoelectric coupling effect.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
符號表 XIII
第一章 導論 1
1-1 研究背景與目的 1
1-2 多鐵性材料 2
1-2-1 壓電材料 3
1-2-2 磁致伸縮材料 4
1-2-2 壓磁材料 4
1-2-3 磁電材料 5
1-2-4 非完美交界面 5
1-3 複合材料結構形式 6
1-4 文獻回顧 6
1-4-1 雙相多鐵性複合材料 6
1-4-2 交界面問題 7
1-5 本文架構 8
第二章 彈性層狀複合材料 9
2-1 材料組成律與傳播矩陣 9
2-1-1 材料組成律 9
2-1-2 彈性層狀材料的通解 11
2-1-3 彈性層狀複合材料的傳播矩陣(Propagator Matrix) 16
2-1-4 材料選擇 19
2-2交界面問題 20
2-2-1 完美交界面 20
2-2-2 弱非完美交界面 22
2-3結果與分析 25
2-3-1 Ag/Ag 28
2-3-2 Ag/Ni 32
2-3-3 Ag/Ni/Ag 36
第三章 壓電壓磁層狀複合材料 40
3-1壓電壓磁材料的材料組成律與傳播矩陣 40
3-1-1 磁、電、彈耦合之材料組成律 40
3-1-2 壓電壓磁層狀材料的通解 44
3-1-3 壓電壓磁層狀複合材料的傳播矩陣 48
3-1-4 材料選擇 51
3-2 交界面性質與傳播矩陣的關係 53
3-2-1 完美交界面 53
3-2-2 弱非完美交界面 55
3-3 結果與分析 58
3-3-1 BTO/BTO 61
3-3-2 BTO/CFO 67
3-3-4 CFO/BTO/CFO 80
第四章 結論與未來展望 87
4-1 結論 87
4-2 未來展望 88
參考文獻 90
附錄A 弱非完美交界面條件 94
附錄B 多鐵性層狀複合材料在弱非完美交界面之磁電耦合效應 97
B-1 BTO/CFO 99
B-2 CFO/BTO 102
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