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論文名稱:設計用於TRP 投影機之非對稱照明系統搭配RTIR稜鏡
論文名稱(外文):Designing an anamorphic illumination system with a RTIR prism for a TRP type projector
指導教授(外文):Pan, Jui-Wen
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chih-MingSu, Guo-DungChang, Gau-DerPan, Jui-Wen
外文關鍵詞:RTIR prismTRP DMD chipAnamorphic illumination systemProjectorLateral magnificationAngular magnification
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Abstracts (Chinese) i
Abstracts ii
Acknowledgment iii
contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figs vii
List of Items ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Preface 1
1-2 Motivation 2
1-3 Architecture 4
Chapter 2 Basic theory 6
2-1 laws of refraction and reflection 6
2-2 Law of total internal reflection 7
2-3 Étendue 9
2-4 FO:FO contrast ratio 11
2-5 Uniformity 11
2-6 Distortion 12
Chapter 3 LED light source system 14
3-1 architecture 14
3-2 LED light source 14
3-3 Collimator lens 16
3-4 X-cube 19
3-5 Condenser lens 19
Chapter 4 TRP DMD chip 20
4-1 Working principle 20
4-2 Compare to different DMDs 24
Chapter 5 RTIR prism 26
5-1 Boundary conditions 26
5-2 Angular magnification in angular space 29
5-3 Lateral magnification in spatial space 30
5-4 Choice of material for high efficiency 34
Chapter 6 Relay lens system 37
6-1 Decide to parameter of the relay lens system 37
6-2 Light pipe 41
6-3 Aberration analyses of the relay lens system 43
6-4 Three-states of the TRP DMD chip in angular space 46
6-5 Balance between FO:FO contrast ratio and efficiency 48
6-6 Étendue and Maximum geometric efficiency 51
6-7 Ray tracing for the mini projector 54
Chapter 7 Comparison 55
Chapter 8 Conclusion 57
Chapter 9 Future work 58
Reference 60
Publication Lists 63
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