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研究生(外文):Lin, Tzu-Yi
論文名稱(外文):An Investigation of Interpersonal Relationship Management around the Read Receipt Function
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Chien-ChaoChang, Yung-Ju
口試委員(外文):Chang, Yung-JuTseng, Chien-ChaoLai, Chih-Hui
外文關鍵詞:grounded theoryresponse latencyinterpersonal relationship
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本研究透過公開招募平台來招募民眾做深入訪談,並將訪談過程錄音紀錄轉為逐字稿,採取紮根理論 (Grounded theory)的概念進行資料分析,對資料進行編碼,建構出人們運用訊息已讀功能與人際經營的行為模式。本研究共計訪問三十四位受訪者,總共整理出一百九十二個開放編碼、並歸納出十九個主軸編碼,最後在選擇編碼階段,將十九個主軸編碼歸納成「形象塑造」、「利益維護」、「情感期待」三大概念,建構出人們在已讀功能上如何應對人際相處的模式。在結論與建議中,本研究發現人們在使用即時通訊軟體,比較會在乎被已讀這件事,就是考量這三大因素,而會特意去做些策略及彌補動作,也是考量這三個因素,可知這三個因素也是影響人與人相處重要的概念。另外,由研究受訪者的敘述知道有些情境是可以透過軟體的改善來避免人們相處上的誤會,達到更好的人際相處,將提供給未來的軟體開發者做為參考。
With the improvement and popularization of computers and mobile communication devices, communication through instant messaging software has almost become a part of modern people's lives. Communication software is not an instant face-to-face interaction, and the "read receipt" function has become important thing that people will almost use and maintain interpersonal relationships regularly. However, different kind of people would have different actions due to the human thinking and emotional interaction induced by reading message but no feedback or responding slowly.” In the study, we used the interview method to understand what kind of behavior people have to cope with the occurrence of "read receipt" and the reasons behind it. According to above information, it is found how people use this function to achieve the purpose of managing interpersonal relationships.
This study conducted in-depth interviews by recruiting people on public recruitment platforms. It turned the recording records of the interview process into verbatim drafts, analyze encode the data, and build up the function that people use to read the information by “grounded theory “. In this study, we collected data from 34 respondents, and a total of open codes and 19 axial codes were summarized finally, in the coding stage, 19 axial codes were integrated with the three major concepts which were " the shaping of impression ", "benefit maintenance", "emotional expectation", and construct a model of how people have interaction with interpersonal relationships in terms of read receipt function. At last, it is found that people who use instant messaging software will care about the messages been read due to the three factors in consideration. In the following discussion, people will do some strategies deliberately and make up actions, it is summarized with these three factors which are also important concepts in affecting the relationship between people. In addition, some situations from research interviewers can be through software improvement to avoid people's misunderstandings and achieve better interpersonal relationships. We believe that this research shows potential to be used in future software development.
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 2
1.4 研究程序 2
二、 文獻探討 3
2.1 使用即時通訊軟體維繫管理人際關係 3
2.2 已讀功能對於通訊軟體使用者的影響 4
2.3 即時通訊軟體對於隱私權的影響與管理機制 5
三、 研究方法 7
3.1 紮根理論 7
3.1.1 紮根理論資料分析 7
3.1.2 紮根理論執行程序 9
四、 資料分析 11
4.1 受訪者基本資料整理 11
4.2 資料編碼 12
4.2.1 開放編碼 (open coding) 12
4.2.2 主軸編碼 (axial coding) 13
4.2.3 選擇編碼 (selective coding) 13
五、 研究結果 16
5.1 主軸編碼關聯性 16
5.2 關係圖建構 25
5.3 模式建構 26
六、 討論 32
6.1 形象塑造 32
6.2 情感期待 32
6.3 利益維護 33
6.4 研究限制 34
七、 結論與建議 35
7.1 研究貢獻 35
7.2 結論 35
7.3 建議 36
參考文獻 38
附錄一 42
附錄二 51
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