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研究生(外文):Cheng, Wen-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Simulating Basketball Plays from Tactic Sketches by using Reinforcement Learning
指導教授(外文):Wang, Yu-Shuen
口試委員(外文):Chu, Hung-KuoHu, Min-ChunLin, I-Chen
外文關鍵詞:Basketball StrategiesReinforcement Learning
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本篇論文介紹基於強化學習方法以籃球戰術草圖生成整個回合的對戰模擬,模擬進攻戰術的執行及防守方可能的對應行為,生成的結果經過視覺化可以讓教練更容易說明和分析戰術,也可以在賽後對比實際戰術執行的結果或檢討場上防守行為的表現。我們訓練兩種模型:進攻及防守模型,讓兩模型在同一環境中互動,模型根據環境所給過去幾秒的狀態作為觀察來做出行動,進攻模型額外根據輸入的戰術草圖當作條件並執行戰術指令。我們使用基於 actor-critic 改善的無模型算法 Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) 訓練連續動作空間的模型。我們使用沃羅諾伊圖算出球員在球場上佔位,將佔位加總當成獎勵設計出一密集的獎勵函數來解決稀疏獎勵造成的訓練不易問題。我們在獎勵加上移動距離的懲罰項來改進生成的模擬結果。最後我們將模擬結果與真實資料做客觀數據上的比對來評估模型。
This paper presents a method to simulate basketball plays from tactic sketches. It simulates how the offense tactic will be executed as well as how the defenders will react. With the simulated plays, it is easier for coaches to illustrate and evaluate the newly developed tactic. Players can review their plays by comparing to the simulated ones after the game. To achieve the aim, we use reinforcement learning technique to model our problem. We use two agents to represent offense team and defense team, let two agents interact with each other in same environment. The offense agent has tactic instruction extracted from tactic sketch as additional condition. The agents decide actions according to the environment state. The environment takes actions and simulate the play. We use model-free algorithm Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to train our continuous action space model. To solve sparse reward problem, we design voronoi reward by considering player’s court space ownership. To improve the quality of simulation, we add an additional moving distance penalty. To evaluate our system, we do quantitative analysis to objectively compare between real and simulated plays.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
一、序論 1
二、相關研究 3
2.1 籃球分析 3
2.2 強化學習 4
三、方法 6
3.1 概觀 6
3.2 模型 7
3.2.1 狀態空間 7
3.2.2 動作空間 7
3.2.3 模擬環境 8
3.2.4 沃羅諾伊獎勵 (voronoi reward) 9
3.2.5 防守模型 11
3.2.6 進攻模型 12
3.3 資料 13
3.4 訓練 15
3.4.1 Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) 15
3.4.2 網路架構 17
3.5 實作細節 18
四、結果與分析 19
4.1 防守模型結果 19
4.2 進攻策略模擬 21
4.3 量化結果 24
4.4 不足與限制 27
五、結語與展望 28
參考文獻 29
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