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研究生(外文):Hsu, Chih-Ling
論文名稱(外文):Heterogeneous Information Fusion Method for Significant Financial Trend Prediction
指導教授(外文):Tseng, Shin-Mu
口試委員(外文):Sun, Hung-MinHuang, Jiun-LongPeng, Wen-ChihTseng, Shin-Mu
外文關鍵詞:heterogeneous information fusionopinion miningmachine learningnatural language processing
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隨著巨量資料在資料量、資料多元性、資料即時性以及資料難辨性上的迅速成⻑, 在處理實際問題時,異質性資料整合的使用正逐漸變得普遍,而整合來自不同來源甚 至不同型態的資料已經成為一個重要的趨勢。其中,由於社群媒體逐漸成為大眾進行 投資的過程中一項重要的資訊來源,在使用時間序列以外同時運用到線上的文字資訊 來對金融時間序列的趨勢進行預測已經成為近年來的研究熱點之一。然而,由於金融 市場的混亂本質、線上社群討論內容的易變化性、以及金融趨勢類型分布的不平均, 預測金融趨勢一直以來都是一項極為困難的任務。面對這些挑戰,我們提出了一個異 質性時間序列資訊整合方法,通過整合多變量時間序列與多維度公眾輿論,來對金融 時間序列未來的重大變化進行預測。根據真實資料,我們進行了一系列的實驗並與其 他現存的方法進行比較,實驗結果顯示我們所提出的方法提升了對重大變化類別的靈 敏度 (sensitivity) 並在馬修斯相關係數 (Matthews correlation coefficient) 上提升了 49% 的表現。
Due to the rapid growth of big data over volume, velocity, veracity and variety, hetero- geneous data fusion is getting ubiquitous in solving practical problems. In particular, as social media becomes a key source of information in investment processes, forecasting trends of financial time series by exploiting not only time series data but also social media content has become a research hot-spot nowadays. However, predicting the future trend of a financial time series has long been an extremely challenging task due to the chaotic nature of financial markets, the drastically varying discussion on social media platforms, and the imbalance distribution for different financial trends. To address these issues, we propose a heterogeneous data fusion framework to predict significant financial trends by integrating multivariate time series with multi-dimensional public opinion. Based on real-world data, experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework delivers 49% improvement in terms of Matthews Correlation Coefficient and enhances the sensitivity of the classes indicating significant changes by comparison with other existing methods. To our best knowledge, this is the first work that predicts financial trend with the consideration of significance thresholds and the multi-day trend window.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Problem Definition 3
1.3 Challenges 5
1.4 Research Aims 6
1.5 Contribution 6
1.6 Thesis Organization 6
2 Related Works 7
2.1 Impact of Social Opinion on Financial Markets 7
2.2 Time Series Prediction in Financial Markets 8
2.3 Detecting Significant Changes in Time Series 10
3 Proposed Method 11
3.1 Overview of Proposed Method 11
3.2 Numerical Feature Extraction 12
3.2.1 Technical Analysis 12
3.2.2 Multivariate Time Series Analysis 15
3.3 Sentiment-based Opinion Mining 17
3.3.1 Posts Filtration and Preprocessing 17
3.3.2 Personal Sentiment Extraction 18
3.3.3 Financial-oriented Sentiment Extraction 19
3.4 Opinion Aggregation 20
3.4.1 Topic Modeling 21
3.4.2 User Score Calculation 23
3.5 Opinion Fusion 24
3.6 Heterogeneous Time Series Fusion 26
3.7 Significant Trend Prediction 30
4 Experiment Evaluation 33
4.1 Datasets 33 4.1.1 Social Media Content Dataset 34
4.1.2 Financial Time Series & Related Time Series Dataset 35
4.2 Experiment Settings 36
4.2.1 Evaluation Metrics 37
4.2.2 Methods in Comparison 38
4.3 Experiment Results: External Evaluation 39
4.4 Experiment Results: Internal Evaluation 44
4.4.1 Different Length of Trend Windows 44
4.4.2 Different Scales of Significance Thresholds 45
4.4.3 Different Choice of Detection Thresholds 46
4.4.4 Heterogeneous Fusion for Noise Alleviation 47
4.4.5 Model Insights 48
4.4.6 Complementary Nature of Heterogeneous Information 49
5 Conclusion and Future Works 52
5.1 Conclusion 52
5.2 Future Works 53
References 55
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