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研究生(外文):Su, Yi-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Development of the scanning hyperspectral microscope imaging sysyem
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yung-Fu
口試委員(外文):Su, Kuan-WeiLiang, Hsin-ChihYu, Yan-Ting
外文關鍵詞:HyperspectralMicroscopic image
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本論文之目的為透過更改高光譜顯微掃描系統之架構,使其可以應用於更多層面。首先,針對高光譜顯微系統分別針對兩種不同掃描模式分別為步進式與連續式,並透過兩種不同光源重複實驗證明,其兩種不同掃描模式擁有相同之垂直與水平空間解析度。藉由掃描具空間解析反射率之樣品,得知在小範圍下連續式之掃描速度較步進式提升了近4倍之掃描速度與獲得更加連續的掃描成像。而後為了將高光譜系統應用於穿透率與螢光之量測,因此將高光譜反射式架構變更使其成為高光譜穿透式架構,並且針對Nd:YVO4 a-cut、Nd:YVO4 c-cut與Nd:GdVO4三種不同樣品分別進行穿透率與螢光之掃描。從結果得知即便是同一科晶體其穿透率與螢光於不同位置大小亦不相同,並且於晶體中穿透率與螢光強度呈現反相關。
The purpose of this article is to change the structure of the hyperspectral microscanning system, which is applied to different measurements. First, the hyperspectral scanning system has step by step scanning and continuous scanning. Experiments with two different light sources prove that these two different scanning modes have the same axial and lateral resolutions . The Continuous scanning is four times faster than step scanning and can improve the continuity of scanned images in a small range . In order to apply the hyperspectral system to transmittance and fluorescence measurement, the reflection structure is changed to a transmission structure. The three samples Nd: YVO4 a-cut, Nd: YVO4 c-cut and Nd: GdVO4 were scanned for transmission and fluorescence. Even the same crystal has different transmittance and fluorescence intensity at different positions. The fluorescence intensity is higher at the position where the transmittance in the crystal is poor.
摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi

第一章 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 論文架構 2
第二章 3
2.1 高光譜影像技術與應用 3
2.2 自動化系統掃描影像模式之發展 5
第三章 13
3.1 反射式顯微鏡實驗架構與方法 13
3.2 步進與連續掃描模式之影像解析度比較 16
3.3 具空間解析反射率之樣品量測結果與討論 24
3.4 步進與連續掃描模式之掃描範圍最佳化 29

第四章 31
4.1 穿透率掃描穿透式顯微鏡實驗架構與方法 31
4.2 Nd:YVO4之穿透光譜與高光譜穿透率影像分析 34
4.3 Nd:GdVO4之穿透光譜與高光譜穿透率影像分析 40
第五章 44
5.1 螢光掃描穿透式顯微鏡實驗架構與方法 44
5.2 Nd:YVO4之螢光光譜與高光譜螢光影像分析 49
5.3 Nd:GdVO4之螢光光譜與高光譜螢光影像分析 55
第六章 59
參考文獻 61
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