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研究生(外文):Wu, Tzu-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Low-Current Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction Memory for Neuromorphic Computing
指導教授(外文):Hou, Tuo-HungTsai, Kuang-Lung
外文關鍵詞:Ferroelectric MemoryFerroelectric Tunnel JunctionFTJNeuromorphic ComputingHZO
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當今的人工智慧雖然可以利用演算法高效率地處理數據,但其運算是建立在傳統范紐曼 (von Neumann) 計算架構之上,故對於邊緣裝置資訊傳輸上所產生的延遲時間與相對能耗問題仍難有所突破。在眾多的計算架構改善方案中,以模仿人類大腦神經網絡與演算法之仿生運算系統最受矚目。仿生運算系統將計算與儲存數據同時在單一電子元件中進行,而其中關鍵的類突觸電子元件需具備高密度排列、三維堆疊、低能耗、短操作時間且同時具備突觸可塑性等特性,一直是目前仿生運算架構的最大瓶頸。
People imagine a better world where devices, machines, things are more intelligent, ubiquitous, and enriching our lives. Among all applications of the internet of things (IoTs), the devices which are close to our daily lives are called edge devices. These edge devices are required to response commands and actions within a limited time when they were triggered. In addition to returning feedback rapidly, edge devices must be able to process data with low power consumption.
However, artificial intelligence (AI) based on the traditional von Neumann architectures computes data in a time- and power-consuming way, because the data storage units and arithmetic units are separated physically. On the other hand, in the neuromorphic computing system, the data can be stored and computed in a single electronic synaptic device. The critical synaptic device should satisfy the strict requirements of high-density, 3D-stackable, low-energy consumption, high-speed operating, and perfect synaptic plasticity, thus remaining as the major bottleneck in the development of neuromorphic computing systems.
Until now, the applications of resistive-switching memory (RRAM) and magnetoresistive memory (MRAM) on neuromorphic computing have been widely studied. Compared to the actively researched RRAM and MRAM, the emerging ferroelectric tunnel junction memory (FTJ) provides more robust reliability and lower power consumption. This thesis systematically discusses the FTJ design and its necessity for edge devices.
Because the cell structure and operation of FTJ is different from that of FeRAM and FeFET, we first discussed the dependence of FTJ characteristics on the polarization density and electrode materials. Moreover, the relation between the tunneling current switching and the dipole direction proposed from other groups often contradict to each other and remains controversial. Hence, we built a physical simulation model to clarify the device operating mechanism. Afterward, by comparing different oxide stacks in FTJ devices, we provided a guideline for improving FTJ designs. Because of numerous attractive properties, FTJ shows immense potential as a binary synaptic device. Finally, we also analyzed the potential of such low-current memory cells in binary neural network hardware applications.
In conclusion, we successfully demonstrated a sub-nA low-current, 50ns high-speed, 107 endurance, and ten years retention high-reliability FTJ. We demonstrate with sub-nA memory cell in-memory computing can achieve better accuracy and remarkable 702, 101, and 7×104 times improvements in power, area, and energy-area product efficiency. Furthermore, we not only discussed the fabrication and characteristics of this emerging device but also provided useful guidelines for future optimization. For instance, we can control the switching I-V and related MW by inserting different interfacial layers in a different position.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgment v
Contents vii
Figure Captions x
Table List xiv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Towards an AI-Driven World 1
1.2 In-Memory Computing 2
1.3 Non-Filamentary RRAM 3
1.3.1. Switching mechanism 4
1.3.2. XAS analysis 5
1.3.3. Limitation 9
1.4 Filamentary RRAM 10
1.4.1 Switching mechanism 10
1.4.2 Limitation 11
1.4.3 Operation optimization 12
1.5 Ferroelectric Memory 14
1.5.1 Ferroelectric material 14
1.5.2 FeRAM 16
1.5.3 FeFET 16
1.5.4 FTJ 16
1.6 Motivation 17
Chapter 2 Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction 19
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Wake-up and fatigue effect 22
2.3 Device fabrication 25
2.4 Results and discussion 25
2.4.1 Measurement setup 25
2.4.2 Measurement flow 29
2.4.3 Characteristic comparison 30
2.5 Physical analysis 32
2.6 Summary and conclusion 34
Chapter 3 FTJ DC tunneling current 36
3.1 Introduction 36
3.2 DC I-V characteristic 37
3.3 Simulation 40
3.4 Results and discussion 43
3.4.1 Device fabrication 43
3.4.2 Switching mode comparison 44
3.4.3 Tunneling memory window comparison 48
3.4.4 Insertion position comparison 50
3.5 Summary and conclusion 52
Chapter 4 FTJ synaptic device on low power AI hardware 54
4.1 Introduction 54
4.2 Device reliability 55
4.3 Multi-level-cell possibility 57
4.4 IMC based on low-current FTJ 61
4.4.1 Convolutional neural networks with IMC 61
4.4.2 Array scheme 64
4.4.3 Simulation results 67
4.5 Summary 69
Chapter 5 Conclusion and future work 70
5.1 Conclusion 70
5.2 Future work 71
Reference 72
Vita 77
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