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研究生(外文):Lee, Tsai-Hua
論文名稱(外文):Design of mmWave Hybrid Precoder and Combiner for SU-MIMO Systems
指導教授(外文):Jou, Shyh-JyeLiu, Chih-Wei
口試委員(外文):Jou, Shyh-JyeLiu, Chih-WeiChen, Sau-GeeTsai, Pei-Yun
外文關鍵詞:mmWaveHybrid BeamformingSU-MIMO802.11ay
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除此之外,基於IEEE 802.11ay單一使用者傳輸多個資料流且採用3/4 LDPC通道編碼與π/2-16QAM/π/2-64QAM,其未解碼位元錯誤率於18.52dB/25.52dB達到3.067×〖10〗^(-3)的標準下,從系統層面進行整體效能分析以及混合式預編碼器與解碼器設計,以替未來系統開發作準備。
在硬體架構實作上,提出整體傳送端的控制器,並採用四倍平行的架構達到1.76GHz的碼片率以及支援兩條資料流傳輸,其傳輸速率可在π/2-16QAM/π/2-64QAM條件下達到14.08/21.12 Gb/s。此外,其面積相較於先前設計的兩套FFT/IFFT模組更只有2.1%/1.4%。
In order to meet the requirement of explosive communication traffic in the future, wireless communication system is to use the mmWave frequency band to have a larger bandwidth for high throughput transmission. However, the channels in the mmWave frequency band suffer from severe attenuation, which consequently seriously degrades the performance of transceiver system. Therefore, strengthening transmitted power and mitigating interference via beamforming technique become extremely important. Although existing fully digital and fully analog beamforming technique have been proposed in the microwave frequency band, the high power consumption and unstable analog front-end components and radio frequency (RF) modules make adopting massive antennas to increase transmission rate and overcome the severe channel attenuation infeasible. This is because the number of analog front-end components and RF modules are correlated with the number of antennas in the traditional method. Different from traditional beamforming methods, in this thesis, based on the hybrid beamforming technique, existing SU-MIMO algorithms are improved to conform to the actual application scenario. In addition, a MU-MIMO algorithm is also proposed to such that its performance is better than the existing algorithm.
Moreover, based on un-coded bit error rate (BER) 3.067×〖10〗^(-3) before SNR of 18.52dB and 25.52dB in π/2-16QAM and π/2-64QAM with 3/4 coding rate scenarios in IEEE 802.11ay, the whole system performance is analyzed and the hybrid precoder and combiner are designed from a system point of view to prepare for the future system development.
In the hardware implementation, overall TX controller which targets on 4-times parallelism to achieve 1.76 GHz chip rate and supports transmission of two data streams is proposed. The data rate is increased to 14.08/21.12 Gb/s under π/2-16QAM/π/2-64QAM. In addition, the area of proposed overall TX controller is only 2.1%/1.4% of two sets of FFT/IFFT which are designed previously.
Chapter 1 Introduction and Motivation 1
1.1 Introduction to mmWave Wireless Communication 1
1.2 Introduction to Beamforming 3
1.3 Motivation and Goals 5
1.4 Thesis Organization 7
Chapter 2 Overview of IEEE 802.11ay Standard 8
2.1 IEEE 802.11ay Standard 8
2.1.1 Basic Specifications 8
2.1.2 PHY Frame Structure 11
2.1.3 Channe Bonding and Channel Aggregation 16
2.2 Modified SC Frame Structure 17
2.3 IEEE 802.11ay Beamforming Specification 19
2.4 Summary 21
Chapter 3 Overview of SU/MU-MIMO Hybrid Beamforming Algorithm 22
3.1 SU-MIMO Hybrid Beamforming Algorithm 22
3.1.1 System Model 22
3.1.2 Channel Model 24
3.1.3 Spectrum Efficiency 25
3.1.4 Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) 27
3.1.5 Orthogonal based Matching Pursuit (OBMP) 30
3.1.6 Proposed SU-MIMO Algorithm 32
3.2 MU-MIMO Hybrid Beamforming Algorithm 33
3.2.1 System Model 33
3.2.2 Channel Model 35
3.2.3 Spectrum Efficiency 35
3.2.4 Two-Stage Algorithm 36
3.2.5 Iterative Algorithm 40
3.2.6 Proposed MU-MIMO Algorithm 42
3.3 Performance Simulations and Comparisons of MU-MIMO 44
3.3.1 Simulation Results of Single Data Stream Transmission 44
3.3.2 Simulation of Multi-Stream Transmission 48
3.4 Summary 52
Chapter 4 Hybrid Precoder and Combiner Design of SU-MIMO for 802.11ay SC System 53
4.1 Simulation Model 53
4.1.1 Phase Shifter with Finite Resolution 53
4.1.2 Channel Model 54
4.1.3 Block Diagram of Precoder and Combiner 55
4.2 Analog Precoder and Combiner Design 57
4.2.1 Golay-Sequence Aided Beam Selection Method 57
4.2.2 Optimized Golay Correlator 61
4.3 Digital Precoder and Combiner Design 61
4.3.1 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) 62
4.3.2 Zero Forcing (ZF) 63
4.3.3 Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) 63
4.4 Hybrid Precoder and Combiner System Flow 64
4.5 Simulation Results 65
4.5.1 Simulation Results under Different Conditions 65
4.5.2 Extension to 64-QAM 68
4.6 Summary 69
Chapter 5 Architecture and Implementation of 802.11ay TX Controller 71
5.1 Proposed TX Controller Architectures 71
5.2 RTL Synthesis Result 79
5.3 Summary 80
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Work 81
Appendix A MMSE Derivation 83
Reference 86
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1. 毫米波之單一載波基頻接收機運用機器學習方法聯合補償類比前端不理想效應之架構
2. 用於非線性與記憶性功率放大器之毫米波基頻發射機的低複雜度擬直接學習數位預補償架構
3. 應用於卷積神經網路的高平行度電阻式隨機存取記憶體內運算架構
4. 60 GHz頻帶10 Gbps單一載波基頻接收機的可抵抗高相雜訊之同步與相雜訊補償設計
5. 次奈秒讀寫及次毫瓦每千兆赫茲之32Kb 5T靜態隨機存取記憶體和靜態隨機存取記憶體內運算之多位元緩衝器設計
6. 應用於60GHz頻帶10Gbps單一載波基頻之脈波成形和同相與正交分量不平衡及直流偏壓準位偏移聯合補償設計
7. 工作於次奈秒讀取且次毫瓦每千兆赫茲之28奈米製程0.45伏電壓之32Kb 5T之靜態隨機存取記憶體與記憶體內運算架構
8. 應用於高吞吐量無線通信系統之多速率LDPC解碼器的設計與實現
9. IEEE802.11ay之單一使用者多輸入多輸出混合式波束成形系統之時域數位預編碼設計
10. 應用於卷積神經網路之可重組式具內部運算功能的靜態隨機存取記憶體
11. 建構與應用特殊語詞資訊於文件重排序之研究
12. 1.25 GHz頻寬下利用EHC-Frank碼實現干擾抑制之多使用者雷達系統
13. 設計應用於低功率深度神經網路之電阻式記憶體的類比運算模組
14. 高吞吐率且高面積效率超長點數快速傅立葉轉換處理器之RTL自動產生器
15. 抗干擾雷達系統研究與設計