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研究生(外文):Chiu, Pei-Ning
論文名稱(外文):Statistical Precoding for 3GPP and Dual-Polarized mmWave Systems
指導教授(外文):Lin, Yuan-Pei
口試委員(外文):Wang, Chin-LiangChao, Chi-ChaoTsai, Shang-Ho
外文關鍵詞:MIMO-OFDMmillimeter wave communicationschannel statisticshybrid precoding
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在本篇論文,我們考慮統計預編碼方法應用於毫米波通訊系統。預編碼器根據通道的統計特性做設計而不需要即時反饋。我們在本篇論文中分成兩部分來討論統計預編碼器。第一部分,我們考慮統計預編碼方法應用於3GPP TR 38.900 的通道環境。在探討使用者移動的狀況下,模擬結果顯示統計預編碼方法在相同反饋時間下比有完整通道資訊的設計方法更為穩定。在第二部分,我們討論毫米波雙極化天線系統之統計預編碼設計。在單一用戶系統,統計預編碼方法在相同天線陣列面積下,雙極化天線系統和單極化天線系統有相同的表現。然而,在多用戶系統下,雙極化天線系統有較多的天線數量,因此表現比在單極化天線系統佳。
In this thesis, we consider statistical precoding for millimeter wave channels. The precoder depends only on the channel statistics, and instantaneous channel information is not needed. We discuss statistical precoder in two parts. In the first part, we consider application of statistical precoding for the channel described in 3GPP TR 38.900. Simulations are given to show that the performance of proposed algorithm incurs a minor degradation in transmission rate for the channel in 3GPP. In the case of moving users, the performance of statistical precoding is more robust than that of full-CSI systems with the same feedback interval. In the second part, we consider statistical design for mmWave system with dual-polarized antennas. For single-user
systems, we show that with statistical precoding, the performance of dual-polarized system is the same as that of single-polarized system for the same physical space of antennas array. In this case, we can use only the first half (single-polarized) antennas without loss in performance, although there are twice the number of antennas in dual-polarized systems. However, the result
holds only for single-user case. For multi-user systems, the beamformers are not designed using the channel covariance matrices directly and the performance of dual-polarized system is better than that of single-polarized system due to more antennas.
chapter 1. Introduction page 1.
chapter 2. System Model page 7.
chapter 3. Multi-user MIMO-OFDM Hybrid Precoder and Combiner with Limited Feedback page 20.
chapter 4. Statistical Design Based on Dual-Polarized Channel Model page 30.
chapter 5. Simulation result page 42.
chapter 6. Conclusions page 68.
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