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研究生(外文):Cheng, Szu-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Heat dissapation analysis and topology design of Power Module with Cascode GaN devices
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Stone
口試委員(外文):Chieng, Wei-HuaChen, Tsung-Lin
外文關鍵詞:GaN HEMTGallium nitridepower transistorthermal simulation
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 AlGaN/GaN HEMT相較於矽功率電晶體具備可在高溫下運作、高導熱性以及高飽和電子漂移速度等特點,此外也具較低導通電阻,也因此導通功率耗損較低,能源效率也較高。然而隨著功率的提升,元件的通道溫度也會升高,一旦通道溫度升高,將會使元件效能及可靠度下降。而為了改善元件效能下降的狀況,找出幫助封裝元件妥善散熱的方法十分重要。本研究將使用熱模擬分析軟體Ansys Icepak來模擬元件運作時的溫度分布,再利用IR熱像儀來驗證模擬溫度分布的正確性,藉由以上兩種方式可得到熱堆積的位置,此資訊可幫助分析找出散熱方法。
Compared with the traditional silicon-based power devices, AlGaN / GaN power transistors have high electron mobility, high thermal conductivity and also can operate well at high temperature. In addition, AlGaN / GaN power transistors also have lower on resistance, which reduce the power loss during the operation of transistors, and make the energy consumption more efficiently. However, following by the increase of the power, the tunnel temperature of components will also increase, and this will influence the reliability and performance of power devices. It is important to find out the method to help heat dissipate from the components properly. This study is carrying on using the thermal analysis software-Ansys Icepak to simulate the conditions while the power devices are operating, and aquire the temperature profile of those. Additionally, we will conduct the experiment and use the IR camera to measure the temperature of power devices, which can make sure whether the result of simulation is correct or not. With these two methods mentioned above, the accurate position where the heat accumulate in the components is shown, and the information can help us figure out how to dissipate the heat from them. The thermal simulation and practical experiments are also performed on the single gallium nitride package element and the gallium nitride power module (PM) to understand the temperature distribution and heat dissipation of the package element and power module when power is applied. By adjusting the gallium nitride arrangement from linear arrangement to rectangular-shaped arrangement, the temperature distribution of the gallium nitride elements in the gallium nitride power module (PM) is adjusted to a uniform state. At the same time, adjusting the layout of the copper sheet can also be helpful for heat dissipation. As for the part of thermal simulation and experiment, after modifying the simulation parameters (the thermal conductivity of the silver) and carefully considering the required elements of the experiment (MOSFET power consumption), the simulation temperature can approximately match the experimental temperature.
In conclusion, we use thermal simulation and experiment to prove that the temperature distribution of the gallium nitride elements in the gallium nitride power module (PM) can be uniform after adjusting the gallium nitride arrangement, and we propose the Heat dissipation analysis and topology design of Power Module with Cascode GaN devices.
摘要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
誌謝…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Ⅳ
圖目錄……………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅸ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 文獻回顧 2
1-4 論文架構 4
第二章 介紹AlGaN/GaN HEMT元件 5
2-1 AlGaN/GaN HEMT介紹及工作原理 5
第三章 氮化鎵封裝元件之熱模擬分析 7
3-1有限元素方法之基本概念 7
3-2熱模擬分析軟體介紹 8
第四章功率模組(PM)構裝設計與氮化鎵封裝元件結構介紹 9
4-2單顆氮化鎵元件結構介紹 10
第五章120mm GaN串疊電路熱模擬分析 18
5-1有限元素分析模型(Finite element analysis model, FEA model) 18
第六章120 mm GaN串疊電路熱模擬及實驗 22
6-1 IR紅外線熱像儀基本原理介紹………………………………………………...22
第七章 氮化鎵功率模組實驗架設與結果比較……………………………………29
7-1 實驗架設 29
7-2 實驗結果與模擬比較…………………………………………………………...30
7-2-1 氮化鎵功率模組(PM)下臂部分………………………………………...30
7-2-1-1 無施加功率…………...………………………………………….30
7-2-1-2 施加功率0.1825W………………............…30
7-2-1-3 施加功率0.738W…...………………………...………………31
7-2-1-4 施加功率1.65W…...…………………………………………….32
7-2-1-5 施加功率3W…………………………………………………….33
7-2-1-6 施加功率4.68 W………………………………………………...33
7-2-1-7 施加功率6.75 W………………………………………………...34
7-2-1-8 施加功率9.1 W………………………………………………….35
7-2-1-9 施加功率11.8 W………………………………………………...35
7-2-1-10 施加功率14.85 W……………………………………………...36
7-2-1-11 施加功率17.5 W……………………………………………….37
7-2-1-12 施加功率20.9 W……………………………………………….37
7-2-1-13 PM下臂熱模擬及實驗結果整理……………………….……38
7-2-2 氮化鎵功率模組(PM)上臂部分…………………………………..…….39
7-2-2-1 無施加功率………………………………………………………39
7-2-2-2 施加功率0.18 W………………………………………………...39
7-2-2-3 施加功率0.72 W………………………………………………...40
7-2-2-4 施加功率1.61 W………………………………………………...41
7-2-2-5 施加功率2.8 W………………………………………………….41
7-2-2-6 施加功率4.25 W………………………………………………...42
7-2-2-7 施加功率6 W……………………………………………………43
7-2-2-8 施加功率7.82 W………………………………………………...43
7-2-2-9 施加功率9.6 W………………………………………………….44
7-2-2-10 施加功率11.47 W……………………………………………...45
7-2-2-11 PM上臂熱模擬及實驗結果整理…………………………...45
7-3 模擬參數及實驗條件調整……………………………………………………...46
7-4 調整參數後實驗結果與模擬比較……………………………………………...46
7-4-1-1 無施加功率……………………………………………………....46
7-4-1-2 施加功率0.18 W………………………………………………...47
7-4-1-3 施加功率0.74W…………………………………………………48
7-4-1-4 施加功率1.65W…………………………………………………49
7-4-1-5 施加功率3W…………………………………………………….50
7-4-1-6 施加功率4.69W…………………………………………………51
7-4-1-7 施加功率6.75W…………………………………………………51
7-4-1-8 施加功率9.1W…………………………………………………..52
7-4-1-9 施加功率11.8W…………………………………………………53
7-4-1-10 施加功率14.85W………………………………………………53
7-4-1-11 施加功率17.5W………………………………………………..54
7-4-1-12 施加功率20.9W………………………………………………..55
7-4-1-13 PM上臂熱模擬及實驗結果整理………….....55
7-4-2-1 無施加功率………………………………………………………56
7-4-2-2 施加功率0.19W…………………………………………………57
7-4-2-3 施加功率0.78W…………………………………………………58
7-4-2-4 施加功率1.75W…………………………………………………58
7-4-2-5 施加功率3W…………………………………………………….59
7-4-2-6 施加功率4.7W…………………………………………………..60
7-4-2-7 施加功率6.6W…………………………………………………..60
7-4-2-8 施加功率8.75W…………………………………………………61
7-4-2-9 施加功率11W…………………………………………………...62
7-4-2-10 施加功率13.28W………………………………………………62
7-4-2-11 PM下臂熱模擬及實驗結果整理……….………...63
第八章 結論與未來工作……………………………………………………………64
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